The Seven Trumpets

Two Silver Trumpets

The LORD had Moses make two trumpets from a single piece of silver.

These trumpets were blown by the sons of the High Priest. A ‘single trumpet’ blown, would gather the ‘princes’ of the tribes to Moses and Aaron. Whereas, ‘both trumpets’ sounding together, would gather the ‘congregation’ of Israel; to the door of the ‘Tabernacle of Witness.

The Trumpets commanded Israel:

– to journey in their tribal brigades;

– ordained the times of their Sabbaths;

– declared the seasons of God’s Feasts;

– gathered Israel every 7th year to hear the reading of the Law:

– in the 7th year, the release of those who had fallen into slavery;

in the 50th jubilee year, restored the LORD’s inheritance to the poor…

The Seven Trumpets

Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Revelations seven Trumpets sound in the, ‘1/2 hour silence’ of the 7th Seal, and are ‘the dividing of time,’ spoken of by Daniel. The opening of ‘Jesus Testimony’ sealed in times of his Old, and New Testaments.

They set in motion the LORD’s Oath to Abraham, as we all journey from Christ’s testimony into the ‘bondage’ of men’s traditions and creeds. They divide the seasons of sowing and reaping; of both true, and false gospels. Seasons divided in their midst by the abomination of desolation, which is the perversion of Christ’s salvation.

From the ‘four winds’ of this tribulation, a great trumpet gathers, the ‘tribes of the earth.’ Not an Israel born in the flesh, but rather; an Israel born of God. In the seasons of their sabbaths, harvests, and feasts, they come.

Then said he to me; Prophesy to the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. (Ezekiel 37)

The Trumpets, reset the ‘times and laws,’ Daniel saw changed. They restore Jesus Salvation in us…

The Trumpet sections below are a summary only. However at the top of each section is a link to that Trumpets full sharing.

The 1st Trumpet – the dragon

O/T Time – The generations from Abraham to David: God’s oath foretold Abraham’s ‘seed’ would become slaves in a strange land. In the midst of these generations, the LORD called Israel out of Egypt, and gave them the ‘Covenant of the Law.‘ Israel’s sojourn in Canaan was conditional on keeping this Law, but in time, ‘Moses rod’ was cast down. God’s testimony fallen in his priesthood, and the nation of Israel.

The Dividing of Time [Rev 8:7] The fire, blood, and hail cast down to earth, in the 1st Trumpet; is the ‘Covenant of the Law’ given to Israel in Moses time. In Revelation, in the times of the churches, this Covenant is portrayed as ‘a dragon cast to earth.’  The green things destroyed, reveal the desecration of those parts in the Law, that speak of the LORD’s Christ; of his sabbaths, times of release, and restoration.

N/T TimesThe Sabbath’s and times, from the voices of the seven Church Angel Messages, which declare a falling away from faith, Balaam’s idolatry, and men’s rule over men. To the antichrist spirit in this error, set loose in the seven Seals. A ‘falling away’ repeated in every generation from the Apostles until now. Which times begin in those like Peter, who at Pentecost declared; ‘Jesus is both LORD and Christ.’ And within a generation ended in those ‘called out Christian’s,’ who having turned back to Moses Law, sought to murder Paul in Jerusalem; for preaching Christ’s Law of Liberty. The churches forsake Jesus Faith and turn back to the law.

The 2nd Trumpet – the beast

O/T Times – In the generations from David to Josiah, the House of Israel, separated from the House of Judah. To prevent Israel’s tribes returning to sacrifice in Jerusalem, Jeroboam their king setup ‘golden bulls,’ in the borders of Dan and Bethel; and decreed the people worship them. In the midst of these generations, at a time when Jezebel killed the LORD’s prophets, came Elijah; who sought to turn Israel back to the ‘Existing One’. Nevertheless, this idolatry remained in their hearts, and in time Israel were led captive into Assyria. Their sin also flowed into Judah.

At the time Jeroboam sinned, a prophet of God told him; ‘a son of David named Josiah,’ would burn the bones of Israel’s priests upon its altars. In time Josiah, reigned in Judah, and read the Book of the Law to the people, and burnt the bones of Israel’s priests upon their altars, and tried to cleanse Judah’s house; but at Megiddo, fell. At this, Jeremiah cried; for there Judah’s grace ended, and judgment began. And so Judah were carried into Babylon. Israel and Judah overcome by the cursing in the law… led captive into the nations.

The Dividing of Time [Rev 8:8] The burning mountain cast into the sea, in the 2nd Trumpet, and the third parts turning to blood or dying, speak of ‘Sinai’s Testament’ sown into the ‘sea of nations,’ in Israel and Judah’s captivity. In the Gentile Church times it speaks of the ‘seeds in the Law’ once taught, infecting Jesus faith, and overcoming his liberty in us. In Revelation; the Beast that rises from the sea, resembles the dragon cast down to earth. The ‘body’ of this Beast, as Daniel saw; is Jesus Gospel corrupted. However, the ‘heads and horns’ of this Beast, are ‘Sinai’s dominion.’ The mountain cast into the sea, and the Beast risen from those waters; is Jesus salvation come under the bondage of the Law.

N/T TimesThe Sabbath’s and seasons, that span the seven Trumpets, and the harvests of ‘the Israel of God.’ First those tribes born of Jesus faith, and later those multitudes purged of religious creeds. In the midst of these times, in every generation; the ‘Spirit of Prophecy’ sowing the testaments of Jesus faith and Law, is put to death in Sodom, even where the LORD was crucified. Jerusalem is supposedly a bastion of truth, but the reference to ‘Sodom,’ reveals the ‘religious perversion,’ in those places we esteem clean. In truth, those testaments in Jesus servants who declare; ‘He alone is LORD, and there is no God beside him,‘ are put to death in us, by those pastors we entrust our souls. Jesus testimony put to death in our congregations.

The 3rd Trumpet – the false-christs

O/T Time: The generations from Jechonias to Christ. Israel and Judah dispersed into the nations, take with them Sinai’s statutes and the testaments of their prophets. In captivity, in a strange land, by the river Babylon; Ezekiel and Daniel sing the songs of Moses and the Lamb. And in their songs we hear of God’s Oath to Abraham, of Messiah cut off, of great tribulation, and of Jerusalem restored. In the midst of these generations a remnant return to Judea, and in the fullness of time allotted the ‘seeds’ of Abraham’s flesh, comes the promised son. The LORD’s Christ, the Spirit of his Salvation gone out of His mouth; become flesh, and named JESUS. From Babylon to Christ…

The Dividing of Time [Rev 8:10] ‘Wormwood,’ a star burning as a lamp, falling upon rivers and waters in the 3rd Trumpet, is the antichrist spirit resident in those false gospels taught by men. Beginning in those antichrist’s, the Apostle John said denied, Jesus Christ is both father and son. Which spirit takes captive those who bow to the Trinity, Jehovah’s Witness teachings, and the like. The ‘death and bitterness in these waters,’ begin in our rejection of seemingly minor tenants, like water baptism, and end in Christ’s tenants of salvation replaced.

N/T Times: In Revelation, the ‘Beast risen from the sea,’ is Jesus Gospel perverted. However, this Trumpet reveals the anti-christ teachings in our churches that replace Jesus Gospel. The ‘image of the Beast,’ is the gospels of ‘false prophets,’ that replace Jesus Salvation. The difference between the perversion of Jesus Gospel, and replacing his Gospel, being that of sinning before God, and that of becoming God. And when we submit to teachings that lift men above God, we receive ‘the mark of the Beast. This Trumpet reveals the antichrist spirit in our churches.

The 4th Trumpet – the abomination

O/T Time: On the fourth day of creation, the LORD set the lights of heaven in their order to divide the day from the night, and to separate his seasons and times. At an appointed time, the LORD told Jeremiah; he would forgive Israel their sin, and write his law within their hearts. And compared the ‘Covenant of his promise,’ to the ordinances of; the sun, the moon, and the stars. And warned, if those ordinances departed; Israel would cease to be a nation forever. So it is, the ‘Israel of God exist in God’s Word,’ and not the flesh.

The Dividing of Time [Rev 8:12] The third parts of the moon, the sun and the stars being darkened, in the 4th Trumpet, reveal an ‘Israel’ who have forsaken the LORD’S Christ; the Word of His Salvation bound in the Law, his Gospel and Spirit. Covenants declared in His Christ, in the dispensations of; the Father, the Son and the Spirit. The third parts of the day, and the night not shining, speak of the revelation of the LORD and His Christ, hidden from men.

Hidden from an Israel blind to the commandment; God is One LORD. (Deut 6:4) And deaf to the voice proclaiming; the Promised Son is the Everlasting Father. (Isaiah 9:6) And opposed to the truth; Jesus is both the Father & Son. (John 14:7) In those ‘multitudes from all nations,’ promised Abraham, the light of God’s Ordinances, have long ceased to shine.

When Daniel saw the first three, of ten horns torn from the Beast, and replaced with a horn of blasphemy; he saw Jesus Testament in the Ten Commandments, savaged and replaced with creeds like the trinity. When the Angel told Daniel the mystery of these things would be opened in the end-time, he spoke of the revelation; JESUS: is He who was, and who is, and who is to come, the LORD God Almighty. And of an Israel, gathered to this truth… for they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed… 

N/T Times: Christ’s testimony in the ordinances of the moon, the sun and stars. In Revelation 12, two wonders appear in heaven. First a woman, who stands upon the moon, is clothed with the sun, and crowned with twelve stars. ‘She’ is symbolic of those Covenants that join JESUS to His Church. Of His Christ in those tenants of release, that call out a church in bondage to the Law. Whose Gospel clothes those who believe He is the ‘Existing One’ Moses wrote of. And whose Spirit of Promise crowns those who believe; JESUS is both LORD and Christ. (Acts 2:36) 

We observe too a dragon, which ‘beast’ personifies a spirit in the Law that opposes Christ. A spirit that manifested in those who demanded Christ die. Which antichrist spirit ever hunts the seed of the ‘True Covenant,’ carried on eagles wings into the wilderness; for a time, and times and the dividing of time. To destroy the testimony of Jesus, and the Commandments of God, in those who believe. The Covenants of the LORD’S Christ – in the Law, his Gospel, and Spirit…

[A Pause] In the midst of [Revelation 1-7] the ‘blood of the Lamb,’ sits upon the throne. On one side of this divide the Church Angel messengers, and on the other, the seven Seals. One sows error, and the other reaps. [Revelation 8 to 14] are divided by the putting to death of Jesus testimony. On one side of this divide, the sound of the seven Trumpets, and on the other, three Beasts, and these bear witness of one another. [Revelation 15 to 21] are divided by Babylon’s fall. On one side the seven Plagues, and on the other, the coming of New Jerusalem. 

These are the time, the times and the dividing of time…

The 5th Trumpet – a time to sow…

As the 5th Trumpet speaks of sowing ‘true and false’ gospels, so the 6th Trumpet is their reaping. They divide the seasons of God’s will. In every generation, from the Apostles until now, the sowing and reaping, of both ‘good and evil seeds,’ has been in perpetual motion. Further the 5th, 6th, and 7th Trumpets, are three woes that tell of the affliction of God’s children, taken captive into dead religion.

[Rev 9:1] The key that opens hell, is passed from JESUS to the king of the pit; ‘Abaddon,’ the destroying angel. The key to understanding the 5th Trumpet, is to understand this ‘angel from heaven,’ is a portion of God’s Word. Created by God; (Satan) Abaddon’s power, resides in the authority of the Law, and his deceit in its blessings. The cursing and destruction bound in this ‘angel,’ is unleashed in the 6th Trumpet.

The locusts that pour out of the bottomless pit is the antichrist in those religious armies Joel saw. Whose creeds are the ‘sting of scorpions’ in the hearts of those who believe them, and whose teeth have torn and devoured Jesus Testimony, in every generation. Whose crusades into the nations flourish in the strength of Abaddon, but as Joel foresaw; ‘the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness.’

Commanded not to hurt any green thing, the antichrist is bound for a season, from touching the ‘green shoots of faith’ in those who believe; JESUS is ‘the Salvation of the Existing One.’ This faith, is a mark upon the right hand of an Israel born of it. And JESUS, ‘the name of the Everlasting Father;‘ a seal upon the foreheads of the first-fruits of his tribes. But for those without God’s seal in their foreheads; a season of torment, and a ‘time to repent,’ allotted those who have bowed to another gospel.    

The beginning of sorrows… one woe is past and another two follow.

The 6th Trumpet – a time to reap

The 6th Trumpet [Rev 9:13] sets loose four angels bound in the great river Euphrates, which river is Jesus Gospel. They are the four parts of the Destroyer, Abaddon, sealed in Jesus Word, but unbound when we add to it, or take away. These four angels are prepared for an hour, a day, a month, and a year, to slay the third part of men. Their plagues unfold in ‘four times’ of increasing severity. Like the 1st Church Angel message, that reveals we have turned from Jesus faith, back to the Law; but by the 4th, puts to death those who partake of ‘Jezebel church creeds.’ Or like the 1st of the four horse riders in the Seven Seals, which appears as Christ; but by the 4th, death and hell follow him. 

Further, in Revelation, before the Seven Trumpets sound; ‘four angels hold back the four winds of heaven that blow upon the earth.’ These ‘four winds of heaven’ are the seven Church Angel Messages, the seven Seals, the seven Trumpets, and the seven Plagues. Within these ‘four winds,’ sit the plagues of the first ‘four horse riders,’ the first ‘four trumpets,’ and so on. Like wheels within wheels, the four beasts of Daniel, and the four locust phases of Joel, are the time and times of the destroying Angel, Abaddon; which consume Jesus truth and grace in our souls.

Yet God swore and Oath; and from these four winds come the ‘tribes of the earth… the Israel of God’

in the Gospels of Mathew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, Jesus said; ‘many false christs’ would come in his name, and having preached their gospels in the nations, ‘would reap great tribulation.’ In these Books, the season’s of sowing and reaping are divided in their midst, by the abomination of desolation foretold by Daniel. So, the 5th Trumpet declares the sowing of false gospels, like the 1st horse rider that appears as Christ. And the reaping of great tribulation in the 6th Trumpet, is the death and hell that follow the 4th. These are the seasons of sowing and reaping that unfolded, in the times of the Patriarch’s, and Apostles and still unfold in the Israel of God today.

When we deem ‘Jesus Blood’ insufficient to forgive our trespass, then this unbelief becomes sin. And while a clean life is important, only Jesus sacrifice and gospel make us holy. But when we trust in the works of our own hands to make us holy, then we are deceived, and from this comes self-righteous judgment in them, ‘whose breast-plates of fire and brimstone,’ condemn their brother. And so the Messiah’s sacrifice is replaced by our own. From this abomination come the plagues and desolation of our souls. The 6th Trumpet concludes; And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands… neither do they repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. 

These are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written,.. may be fulfilled; – behold the 2nd woe is past and the 3rd comes quickly…

[The Seven Thunders] The Apostle Paul gave an insight into the ‘Archangel’s last trump, saying; And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly… Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump… we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 

However, the mysteries of the ‘seven thunders uttered by the Angel of the Covenant,’ (the Archangel) that sound between the 6th and 7th Trumpets in Revelation, speak of God’s Covenants bound in his prophets, and remain sealed until; the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

[Strongs 7650 from H7651] The word “swear” in Hebrew means to, “seven oneself.” That is to repeat the same declaration seven times. While the Prophet Isaiah below declares that every tongue shall swear, the Apostle Paul confirms the end of the oath.

[Isaiah] Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have ¹sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall ¹swear.

[Paul] That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,… and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…

The 7th Trumpet – the first-fruits.

In the 7th Chapter of Revelation, the ‘four winds that blow upon the earth,’ are held back until the ‘twelve tribes’ are sealed. By Revelation 14, these tribes are sealed in JESUS name; the Father’s name. This is the harvest of the first-fruits, purchased by the blood of the Lamb. The voice of the Angel of this 7th Trumpet, finishes JESUS purpose bound in the testimony of his prophets. The Feast of Weeks, and First-fruits.

In this same chapter, we also see those multitudes in the nations who have not rested in the faith of Jesus, or kept his commandments. But have bowed to church creeds, and taken the mark of men’s teachings. This is the 3rd woe. This harvest, is cast into the winepress, and in the seven Plagues that follow these seven Trumpets; are either cleansed in great tribulation, or pass into perdition. The Feast of Ingathering and Tabernacles.

[Rev 11:15] And the seventh angel sounded;… saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever…

Before Moses died, the Spirit of Christ in him, allotted to each tribe, a portion of their inheritance in the Law. And the ‘fiery Law in the right hand of the Existing One,’ Moses declared went forth from Sinai; the prophet Habakkuk saw as ‘ten horns’ in the hand of the Almighty. And the ‘ten horns’ Daniel was told by the Angel, are ‘ten kings;’ the apostle John, saw upon the head of the ‘dragon.’ And while these ‘ten Kings’ in Revelation are given dominion, and rule upon this earth,’ the Spirit says; ‘they have received no kingdom as yet.’

And when the prophet Jeremiah spoke of a new Covenant, whereby the LORD would write his law within our hearts, he revealed an Israel; who exist in the ordinances of God’s Word. So when Jesus said; ‘the kingdom of God is within us,’ and promised, ‘he would dwell in us,’ he spoke of finishing those things uttered by his prophets. And when the Spirit of Christ in Paul revealed at the last trump, our earthly tabernacle would be changed, and when Jesus in Peter said we are living stones, built into a spiritual house. Then it was, and is, and ever shall be, the Spirit of Prophecy in them all, bringing forth an Israel born of JESUS Testimony. 

In them comes the Covenants of Christ; New Jerusalem; Whose ‘twelve foundations’ are built upon the cornerstone of JESUS faith, in those who believe. Whose ‘four walls are living stones,’ whose length, depth, and height are equal, because the measure of Christ’s Law, Gospel and Spirit, are one in them. And whose ‘twelve gates’ are ‘twelve angels,’ whose prophecies give birth to the ‘Israel of God.’ Heard in the voice of Jacob’s wives who named twelve sons, and promised in the blessings of Jacob, who adopted Ephraim as his own, and named him ‘Israel;’ before he blessed his own sons. And from them the ‘seeds’ of God’s Oath to Abraham; a multitude of nations and a line of kings. Which ‘harvests’ in Revelation, were first divided to Adam’s son’s in Genesis. This is God’s purpose bound in his prophets… finished. And so, his earthly covenants in us become Spirit, and;

The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever…

The Harvest of Ingathering follows: The ‘multitude of nations,’ the seed’s of ‘Ephraim’s idolatry,’ born of Jesus Testimony corrupted in the nations. Having bowed to the doctrines of the beast; that is, ‘the creeds of men.’ They are gathered into the winepress of the wrath of God, and in the seven plagues; they are either cleansed, or put to death.

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