The declaration and explanation of the ‘Mark, the Name, and the Image of the Beast’ are embedded in Scripture. Yet it seems the more outrageous, and distant the ‘mark of the beast,’ teachings are from God’s Word, the greater their uptake in Christianity. Which departure from God’s Word is at the root of their delusion. When Ancient […]
The ‘Mark of Cain,’ in the Book of Genesis is revealed in Scripture. It is God’s testimony that reveals and helps us understand the ‘mark of the beast,’ in the Book of Revelation. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering to the […]
Many Christian’s mistakenly believe, the ‘image of the beast,’ and the ‘buying and selling,’ referred to in the Book of Revelation pertains to; a bar-code, electronic chip, block-chain, bitcoin or straw-man theories which pop up from time to time. Error that emanates from their misinterpretation of the following Scripture to mean the buying and selling of carnal things like […]
Three Parts The Testimony of the LORD JESUS Christ is named in three Covenants. In Revelation the antichrist shadows these Covenants as; the Dragon from heaven, the Beast of the sea, and the Beast of the earth. Several years ago, I began sharing on the 1st Trumpet with a portion of the Scripture below. In returning to this […]
Most Christians believe they, or their church will be ‘raptured,’ before the great tribulation as foretold by JESUS. This could not be further from the truth. As the LORD’S Covenant with Abraham, is as much about tribulation, as it is about promise. Things inherent in the very nature of those ¹multitudes and ²kings, who descend with Abraham’s faith. In […]
As previosuly shared, the Beast of the Sea is the Gospel of JESUS Christ defiled. Desecrated by religious assemblies who have torn out the LORD’S Testimony sealed in the first three commandments and replaced it with creeds, like the trinity; little horn doctrines which blaspheme Gods Name and Tabernacle. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power to […]
The Mystery of Iniquity Scripture reveals the Man of Sin. God’s Word declares the mysteries of ‘Iniquity and Babylon,’ and it is only from God’s Word understanding comes. Not only Christians, but peoples of all faiths, see the values that once bound our various societies, now in a state of collapse. Our governments now freely […]