The declaration and explanation of the ‘Mark, the Name, and the Image of the Beast’ are embedded in Scripture. Yet it seems the more outrageous, and distant the ‘mark of the beast,’ teachings are from God’s Word, the greater their uptake in Christianity. Which departure from God’s Word is at the root of their delusion.
When Ancient Israel did not believe God could purge Canaan of seven nations mightier than itself, they failed to trust in Gods oath to Abraham. And so did not rest in the promises, but wandered in the wilderness. In the same way those who take the ‘mark of the beast,’ have not rested in Jesus Salvation.
We know this, as in Revelation, Chapter 14, the ‘harvest of Jesus firstfruits’ are sealed with the ‘mark of the Fathers’ name upon their foreheads.’ And in this same place, we also see the harvest of those, who having taken the mark of the beast, are cast into the winepress. And as Gods’ Mark, and the Beasts Mark sit side by side, we have a Scriptural standard of truth, with which to judge one against the other.