The Christ

Isaiah the Prophet declared the Promised Son, the Messiah, would be called; the Everlasting Father, the Mighty God and Prince of Peace. When this child was born, they named him JESUS. (Matt 1:21)

Why is it then, that most Christian’s believe Jesus is only the Son? Why too did the Apostle John, reveal the antichrist spirit had gone out from their midst, in those who denied, JESUS is both the father and son.

  • Moses commanded Israel hear, that is, that Israel believe by faith; The LORD our God is one LORD.  And that we should love the LORD our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our might. And further commanded these words be in our heart, and that we bind them for a […]
  • In the Book of Isaiah we read: Look to me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue […]
  • JOSHUA’S WITNESS Paul wrote, in their exodus from Egypt, Israel were baptised into Moses as they passed through the Red Sea, under the cloud. That is, they were immersed and washed in Moses testament. Forty years later, Moses and all the men of war, who came out of Egypt had died, and a new generation of Israelites born […]
  • JESUS TEMPTATION This teaching speaks of Jesus Temptation within our congregations and ourselves. I pray it instructs and clothes. Before I share then, a song from the LORD. Jesus Saved me. After fasting for forty days, Moses brought to “Israel’s Flesh,” a Law of sin and death. Jesus too fasted forty days, and after his temptation, preached […]
  • Some years ago, a group of Jehovah’s witnesses told me Jehovah on his return will establish the governance of his Kingdom in New York. Mormons say Jesus kingdom will first begin in Utah. Overwhelmingly however, Christians believe Jesus shall return to Jerusalem in Palestine, and rule an Israel born of men upon this earth. Common to […]
  • Just before I sing this song, we read: when JESUS saw the multitudes hungered, and without a shepherd, he had compassion on them. And blessing bread, broke it and fed them, and after his disciples gathered twelve baskets left over. (Mark 6) This song brethren is taken directly from the gospel of John 14, where Jesus […]