Zion’s Gates – Part 4 of 5


Jeremiah likened God’s ordinances with Israel to the ‘lights’ of the moon, the sun, and the stars. In Revelation a woman stands upon the Moon, is clothed with the Sun, and is crowned with Twelve Stars. She is Christ’s Body; His Church. JESUS Covenants of the Law, His Gospel and Testimony, bound in Twelve Angels.

As Ezekiel saw Satan in Eden clothed with ‘ten stones’, so the ‘ten horns’ of the Dragon cast to earth, and the ‘ten horns’ of the Beast crowned in Revelation are ‘ten kings;‘ the Ten Commandments. They are the ‘kings of the earth.’ And the Dragon, the Beast of the Sea, and the Beast of the Earth, are JESUS Covenants corrupted.

In the wilderness, the Woman’s Seed keeps the Commandments of God, and Testimony of JESUS. But, in the ‘times of Christ’s Covenants’ in the nations, the moon has become blood, and the sun darkness, and the stars cast down. JESUS Testimony has fallen.

In their season, Christs’ Covenants this woman represents are restored as a ‘bride adorned.’ In Zion, through the Angels of the Eastern Gates, come the ‘Kings of the East’ bearing the banners of ‘JESUS Faith.’ From the Angels of the Northern Gates, come the first-fruits of forgiveness and grace, who possess the Gates of the South. In them is the testimony of the ‘Kings of the Earth.’

We come now to the Angels of the three Southern Gates. (Revelation 7 & 21)


To JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Simeon’s Gate.

When Leah delivered her second son, she said, “The LORD has heard that I was hated and so has given me this son also.” Simeon’s name means ‘to hear, to understand.’ From Jacobs blessing; Simeon and Levi are brothers; their weapons are instruments of cruelty. Let not my soul come into their counsel; let not my soul be joined to their company. For in their anger, they killed a man. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and I will scatter them in Israel. (Genesis 49:5-7) But Moses did not bless Simeon.

Simeon is the Central Gate of the South, and his Tribal banner that of a ‘two-edged sword.’ Through the Northern Gates we enter into the blessings of a royal law, born of Mount Zion above. But from the South, come the afflicted from ‘Mount Sinai’ to an inheritance in JESUS Christ. Now in Jacob’s day, he dwelt for a time in Shechem, between the mountains of Gerizim and Ebal, the mountains of blessing and cursing.

It was here a prince lay with his daughter Dinah, but later sought to honour her. Simeon and Levi consented to their marriage on the condition the males of his household were circumcised. This they did, but while they healed the brothers slew them. Yet, Jacob did not curse his sons, but cursed their vengeance and use of Gods’ Covenant of Circumcision to judge and condemn. In Jacobs blessing, Simeon, and Levi, are set apart.

When Moses blessed the tribes, he was not shown Simeon, as the circumcision is not of the Law, but in God’s Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So, Joshua placed Simeon’s portion within the border of Judah’s inheritance where the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are buried. In Zion, the ‘Sword’ of Simeon’s judgement abides in Judah’s Faith, for JESUS said, “If you believe not that I AM you shall die in your sins.” (John 8:24) So Sinai’s judgement and wrath is circumcised by faith. In Simeon we hear and understand JESUS righteous judgment.


To JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Levi’s Gate.

When Leah delivered a third son she said; “Now will my husband be joined to me, and she called him Levi.” (Genesis 29:34) Levi’s name means ‘to be joined.’ When Jacob cursed Simeon and Levi’s wrath, he prayed they not unite, and so divided Simeon in Jacob and scattered Levi in Israel. And while Moses did not bless Simeon, he blessed Levi saying; “Let your Urim and Thummim be with your ‘Holy One’ who you proved at Massah and strove at the waters of Meribah. They shall teach Jacob judgment and Israel your law. They shall put incense before you and whole burnt sacrifice upon your altar. Bless LORD, his substance and accept the work of his hands.” (Duet 33:8-11)

In Moses time, Levi was the price Israel paid to redeem its firstborn males. Therefore, Levi became the LORDS and the LORD became Levi’s inheritance. So, Levi had no inheritance in the promised-land, but was scattered in cities among the tribes, to teach Gods’ Law and to judge Israel. And though the LORD said: “If Israel keep my Covenant, I will make them a Kingdom of priests and a Holy nation,” it is in New Jerusalem, the ‘City of Truth,’ we find the redeemed first-fruits of a ‘royal priesthood,’ and out of them, come the Israel of God.

Now, Moses divided the Ten Commandments, from Israel’s Great Commandment. And though Levi taught Israel God’s Commandments and sang Moses’ Song; JESUS placed them in their order by saying: “The first commandment of all is: “Hear O Israel; the LORD our God is one LORD: And you shall love the LORD with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” And the second is like this; “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Mark 12:29)

So, Levi’s ‘Breastplate of Urim and Thummim,’ worn by the High Priest, was inlaid with twelve stones, not ten. In it, the Ten Commandments rest in ‘JESUS Law of Faith and Love.’ Levi’s banner of Urim and Thummim means ‘the lights of perfect truth,’ and witnesses to the Covenant of an ‘endless life.’ And as the breastplate’s ‘Judgment Stones’ were engraved with the names of the Twelve Tribes, so the Twelve Angels of Zion’s Gates, are as a single pearl, and the Angel of the Covenant in them all, is ‘JESUS Spirit of Truth.’

In Levi, the Ten Commandments, and JESUS’ Law of ‘Faith and Love’ are joined. And rest in those Saints, who keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of JESUS. As Leah was joined to Jacob, so those saints who live in Christ’s Covenants, are joined to Him. And as ‘JESUS is both LORD and Christ,’ we become one in Him.


To JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Issachar’s Gate.

And Leah bear Jacob a fifth son and said of him; “God has given me my hire, because I have given my maid to my husband: and she called his name Issachar. (Gen 30:17-18) Issachar’s name means ‘there is recompense.’ From Jacob we hear; “Issachar is a strong ass crouched down between two burdens: And saw that rest was good, and the land was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear and became a servant to tribute.” (Genesis 49:14-15) And Moses who said, “rejoice, Zebulon in thy going out; and Issachar in thy tents. They shall call the people to the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand.” (Duet 33:18-19)

Issachar’s banner is that of an ‘ass laden under two burdens.’ In Issachar, our salvation hangs in the balance between the works of the Law and JESUS grace, but then bows down to works. And yet by grace, Moses saw Issachar ascend from within the Law to offer righteous sacrifice. Not the works of our flesh, lest we boast, but as the Apostle James said; “of pure religion undefiled; ‘to visit the widows, and the fatherless in their affliction, and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)

JESUS Angel in Issachar brings those in bondage to works to Mount Zion. From, the works of the Law, to the pure works of love refined in those whose lives become a living sacrifice. Of this JESUS said; “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 5)

As Leah gave her bond-maid to Jacob to bear a child, in Issachar she obtained her own son. In Issachar there is recompense for selfless sacrifice. Not of carnal gain, but of incorruptible inheritance. In Issachar, selfless love bears the first-fruits of charity, Paul shared: “does not vaunt itself, is not puffed up and does not seek its own.” Of this the Apostle James concluded; “by works is faith made perfect.”


In the Northern Gates above, dwell the blessings in Heaven. From the Angels of the Southern Gates below, comes the substance of Gods Commandments on earth. In Simeon, we come to rest in JESUS righteous judgement that separates us from Sinai’s condemnation. In Levi, the ‘breastplate of JESUS judgement’ is a Law of Spirit and Truth. And in this Covenant of an Endless Life, we join with JESUS. And in Issachar, from the meek and the poor, come the first-fruits of charity that pray we do unto others, as we would have them do unto us.

The heavenly gospel of faith, grace, and love in the Northern Gates, sets the ‘Kings of the Earth,’ in the South, free to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

I end this sharing on the Southern  Gates with a portion of JESUS Song. Simeon hear, Levi be joined, Issachar bow.

LORD, open the Gates of your Testimony in us all. Let your Everlasting Covenant abide within our hearts to your glory. In JESUS Christs’ Holy name I pray. Amen.