What is it about Russia

More to the point, what’s up with American Evangelism and their skewed opinion on Russia, the East and the Jewish State? Evangelicals have a strange mindset Moscow is the Biblical enemy of Israel and the West, which is of course nonsense. Along with other spurious items their ‘evidence’ is selected Bible verses used to lobby the Administration and with some success when it comes to Israel. Still, where would we be without imaginary foes to while away the time?

Hollywood, also, has played its part with typically Russian bad guys up to all manner of evil plots and mischief. Apparently like the Pentagon, Hollywood can’t survive without a villain; who better than wrong thinking people out of step with the USA. So it continues ad nauseam, filling coffers and dulling minds, as it blinds them to what’s happening in their own backyard.

A Pastor preaching dubious theology and pointing out all that’s wrong in the world is frankly non-productive, when they should be more concerned for those in their care. Surely it’s better to focus on the desperate and needy than be distracted by plots and schemes however fantastic. And while it’s good to be alert to such things, the LORD has everything under control and continues to enact His will upon us all.

The world has always been in turmoil it’s how we live in it that matters.

I am not suggesting Churches are wrong all the time, but in numerous cases Pastors certainly are when their online ramblings are tested in Scripture. When it comes to pointing fingers at alleged enemies based on rumour as most of it is, we put ourselves at risk of judgement. So perhaps this reminder from Jesus is timely: why do you look on the splinter that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the beam in your own. (Matthew 7:3)

As regards our present situation and the global response, there is great disparity in reporting and pitch when comparing mainstream media east and west. When it comes to political comment from all sides, Russia is clearly the adult in the room at the moment. And though they encourage peoples and nations towards self-determination, the West and America prefers a different path. Moscow looks to coherent solutions; as the West pours fuel on the flames. The hawks see Russia as the enemy. While Russia sees the West as losing its mind.

But most noticeable is the moral divide.

The Russian Federation is the most ethnically diverse country on earth. It is also religiously varied with all of the major beliefs in evidence. It holds family and principle the mainstay of society. The Federation strives to preserve their values but the others would rather tear them down. On the other hand, the West all but encourages amoral behaviour, gender miscellany and family collapse. That the Russian Ambassador recently had to remind a member of the Canadian Government, children are born of a man and a woman, speaks volumes to the collapse of ethical standards in a growing number of countries.

And while all have sinned, none are perfect and it will continue to be this way, the fruit of the tree shows who and what we are. God put us on this earth for a purpose and gave us a code to live by. Jesus also, gave us a new Command to love our neighbour as ourselves. The world in which we live is a difficult place; it will get a lot more complicated sooner than it should. But one thing is certain. If we keep thinking the same, and doing the same nothing will change. Perhaps it is time to consider new ways of thinking and doing; to agree that a little common sense can go a very long way.

As the saying goes books, minds, umbrellas and parachutes, only work when they’re open.

Your friend always,