The Seventh Plague: Part One

The Book opened reveals; JESUS; the LORD God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come…

JESUS whose Christ comes in three parts. The first seven chapters of the Book of Revelation are a Sabbath, which begins with those multitudes who have held JESUS Faith, but in time succumb to the bondage in the law and church teachings. The Church Angel Messages are the seven portions of JESUS SPIRIT revealing the corruption of His faith in us, just as the Seven Seals reveal the spirit of the antichrist bound in God’s WORD, set loose by the Lamb.

By the 7th Chapter, God’s purpose gathers two seeds from the four winds. One, the Tribes of JESUS Testimony. The other, the Multitudes bound in Ephraim’s prophecies.

Their calling out of tribulation is God’s Oath to Abraham, and Israels exodus from Egypt in motion. They are perpetual Feasts of the Passover and Unleavened Bread observed in every generation. In these Feasts, the Covenant of God’s Law that join us to Him. In JESUS Tribes His Law of Faith. Amen. In Ephraim, an Israel born in bondage; Gods Law of sin and death. In them both, the voice of our Father in Christ, calling us to Him.

Likewise, Chapters 8 to 14 of Revelation, are a Sabbath. Which begin with Seven Trumpets declaring the journey of Gods Law, Sabbaths and Feasts, down through the generations of men. Trumpets heard in the times of the locusts Joel foresaw, who begin their march, with God’s Testimony; as the Garden of Eden before them, and leave behind them a desolate wilderness. Denominational armies of locusts that still march through the nations today, devouring JESUS Truth in four parts. Like the desolation of JESUS Gospel shown to Daniel as four beasts.

The 1st the Lion of Judah without the wings of an eagle stood upon this earth and given a mans heart. That is; JESUS Gospel without the SPIRIT of Truth

And being without JESUS Spirit, His Liberty is overcome in us by the Law of sin and death. Jesus gospel now spotted, brings forth the curses ordained in the four winds, which gospels in their 4th part are the manufactured creeds and teachings of men. Abominations that render JESUS Salvation void in us.

Notwithstanding, in the 14th Chapter, Gods sabbath of Seven Times, harvests His first fruits. The virgin born Tribes, redeemed, and sealed in the Fathers Name; JESUS. The Times of the Seven Trumpets, align perfectly to the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of First Fruits, kept in the days of Joshua, when the Jordan River dried up, and Israel born again, passed into the promises. Which Tribes at Gilgal circumcised their hearts and left behind them Egypt’s unbelief.

In the Feast of Weeks and First-fruits, the bondage and deceit hidden in the Law, is circumcised in our hearts by the SPIRIT of JESUS.

And a new creature becomes. And a new offering is made. Amen.

But as Revelation 14 closes, we hear our kinsman have bowed to the teachings of men. We hear of an Israel gone into captivity, who like Ephraim born in Egypt, bow in bondage to the beast; the perverted gospels of men. As this part closes, the harvest of the wine-press begins.

In JESUS Sabbath bound in the third part of Revelation, from Chapters 15 to 21, the Seven Plagues follow on from the Seven Trumpets. In Joshua’s time, the Levites led Israel around Jericho for seven days blowing seven trumpets. And on the Sabbath Day, went about seven times more; and then gave a great shout. As chapter 15 opens, the Trumpets of the Lawgivers; the Songs of Moses and the Lamb, speak of those who overcome the beast; and of those who worship the teachings of men. In Chapter 16; in the Seven Plagues is the Shout of the Archangel whose utterance seven-times, shall bring down Babylon’s confusion in those who mourn and repent. Come out of her my people. Amen.

In Revelation Chapter 17, Mystery Babylon rides upon a scarlet coloured beast not dissimilar to the red Dragon cast down from heaven; She is the antichrist spirit bound in God’s Word, by God. In the 18th Chapter, Babylon is called the Habitation of Devils. She is God’s Word fallen. The dwelling place of those Paul foretold would forsake the love of the Truth, and would be taken captive by the strong delusion God Himself has sown in His Word. By the gifts, signs and miracles craved by the churches and seen in the three beasts of Revelation; the anti-christ.

In the 19th Chapter we hear this whore, having sold herself for the blessings and gain bound in God’s Word is Judged. That is the spirit in us that lust after God’s earthly blessings and miracles yet spurn the truth. Upon our lips the praise of God, but within our hearts death and mourning come; JESUS passing over the firstborn of Egypt. In this portion the WORD of God comes to Judge. His eyes a Flame of Fire. His rule a rod of iron. Upon His vesture a name written:

LORD of Lord’s. KING of Kings.

In they who mourn, the LORD of Lord’s takes the False Prophet and the Beast of the Sea, and casts them into the fire. That is; JESUS roots out those spirits of devils from His Truth in us. And in those who repent, the LORD brings down Babylons Confusion in our heart and mind. To cleanse His Tabernacle in Heaven. In this portion, we also hear the Bride and the Bridegroom are making themselves ready; God’s purpose in the Plagues revealed.

And in all of these things the Feast of Ingathering of the Last Harvest. In its three parts the Christ of JESUS. 1st the Feast of Trumpets that call Israel’s Multitudes to the door of the Tabernacle. 2nd, the Feast of Affliction when those Tribes of the Earth having believed the Great Commandment, mourn and afflict their souls. And in those who repent, the Feast of Atonement, and the restoration of the Testament in the Blood and Name of JESUS Christ.

And in third part, the Feast of Tabernacles, which remembers those who like ourselves, wandered in the wilderness having not rested in the promises. In Moses time this Feast was kept over eight days from Sabbath to Sabbath. One its 1st day; 13 Bulls, 2 Rams and 14 Lambs were sacrificed. On the 2nd Day; 12 Bulls, 2 Rams and 14 Lambs and so on. And as the sacrifice of bulls, for sin and ignorance diminished, the offerings of faith and grace remained ever the same. Until on the 8th Day, the offering came once again to that of the First-Fruits; the new man in Christ.

In the Seven Plagues, JESUS cleanses the Tabernacle of God in Heaven. That is; He purges the Word of His Truth in us of lies and deceit.

In Revelation 16:17 we read:  And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. 

In the final part of the 7th Plague those who have fallen upon the LORD shall be changed. LORD break this in their hearts. And Bless it in JESUS Name. Amen