The declaration and explanation of the ‘Mark, the Name, and the Image of the Beast’ are embedded in Scripture. Yet it seems the more outrageous, and distant the ‘mark of the beast,’ teachings are from God’s Word, the greater their uptake in Christianity. Which departure from God’s Word is at the root of their delusion.
When Ancient Israel did not believe God could purge Canaan of seven nations mightier than itself, they failed to trust in God’s oath to Abraham. And so did not rest in the promises, but wandered in the wilderness. In the same way those who take the ‘mark of the beast,’ have not rested in Jesus Salvation.
We know this, as in Revelation, Chapter 14, the ‘harvest of Jesus firstfruits’ are sealed with the ‘mark of the Fathers’ name upon their foreheads.’ And in this same place, we also see the harvest of those, who having taken the mark of the beast, are cast into the winepress. And as Gods’ Mark, and the Beasts Mark sit side by side, we have a Scriptural standard of truth, with which to compare one against the other.
Of the redeemed Tribes, purchased with the ‘blood of the Lamb,’ and who are sealed with the Fathers’ name it is written: Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus. These brethren rest from their labours. These sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, and do not worship the Beast. (Revelation 14:12-13 & Rev 15)
But Jesus’ everlasting gospel perverted by the religious, falls in those carried away by their confusion. In the voice of the third angel we hear; ‘If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God… and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image.’ (Revelation 14:6-11)
So the Commandments of God and Faith of Jesus, identify the ‘mark of the beast.’
Moses Song commands Israel believe, ‘the LORD our God is One LORD.’ (Duet 6:4-8) The ‘LORD’ being the Existing One. Amen. And preached they love this ‘Commandment of Faith’ above all things. ‘That it dwell in their hearts, and mark their right hand and foreheads.’
Now brethren, this is ‘the LORD’S Mark.’
Now apart from the redeemed tribes in Revelation, the Song of the Lamb is a song no man can learn. And these tribes purchased by the blood of the Lamb, ‘are sealed upon their foreheads with the ‘Fathers’ name.’ And the Fathers name is Jesus.
To this agree the Apostles like Peter, who declared Jesus is both ‘LORD and Christ.’ That is: Jesus is both the Existing One and the Anointed One. And this Jesus confirms saying; ‘I AM the Root and Offspring of David.’ (Acts 2:36-38 & Rev 22:16)
And this brethren is the ‘Faith of Jesus.’
And the ‘Seal of Jesus faith is Jesus name.’
And to this agree all of the Apostles who baptised in the name of Jesus Christ believing; Jesus is the father, the son and Holy Spirit, or as Paul shared; Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Acts 2:38 & Hebrews 13:8)
Now in Christ, we find the ‘Israel of God.’ For Christ is not only the anointed Prince, but the anointed King, the anointed High Priest and the anointing upon the Patriarchs’. In the Spirit of Prophecy that lay within Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we find Jesus Testimony in the names of Jacobs’ sons uttered by their mothers, and in Jacobs’ blessings over the twelve patriarchs, and Moses upon their tribes. Which spoke first to an Israel in the flesh, but foresaw an Israel born of the Spirit. Who like Christ came in the flesh, but who at Pentecost, returns in the Spirit to seal those who believe, in the name of Jesus Christ.
So it is Gods’ Mark, reveals the antichrists’ mark. The Apostle John said; ‘many antichrists’ had gone out of their midst, in those who denied Jesus Christ is both the father and son. (1John 2) From which seeds come creeds like the trinity and teachings like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who all deny Jesus is both the LORD and Christ.
And so, ‘the mark of the beast’ is Jesus Testimony perverted.
The ‘image of the beast’ is the same. It is a doctrine or creed that represents itself as Jesus’ Gospel, but is not.
The ‘name of the beast’ is the same. It is the name of those religious doctrines in Judaism, in Christianity, Islam, and other teachings that deny and oppose Jesus Testimony.
And as further evidence these things lay within Scripture, the mark, the image and the name of the beast oppose the first three Commandments given to Israel. ‘¹You shall have no other Gods’ before me, ²You shall not make an image, and ³You shall not make my name void.’ Which three commands are the horns Daniel saw would be ripped out by the little horn, which blasphemous mouth is the religious doctrines of men. I come to the ‘number of the beast’ shortly..
So we come to Babylon, who at the consummation of the Plagues, is shaken by an earthquake and divides into three parts. And her three parts mirror Christs’ dispensations of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The three parts of the antichrist observed in Revelation are:
The Dragon, that Great Serpent, the Devil, cast down from heaven to earth, is ‘the Covenant of the Law’ handed to Israel. Which law lifted up is a ‘Rod,’ but when cast to the ground is a serpent. This ‘rod in the right hand,’ with its blessings and curses is the ‘the sign and mark’ of the 1st Voice: Moses Song.
The Beast that rises from the sea, is Jesus’ gospel corrupted. Like the four gospels, its body is those four beasts seen by Daniel, which first beast; the Lion of Judah, is Jesus’ Gospel come down to earth and given a man’s heart. But by the 4th, is a contraption forged by men. This is the leprous hand; and is the ‘sign and mark,’ of the 2nd Voice: Jesus Song.
The False Prophet, the Beast of the Earth, of whom Jesus said there would be many, which antichrists John spoke of in the beginning. This Beast is Jesus’ Gospel replaced by another gospel, and is the ‘abomination of desolation’ Daniel saw reaped from the Messiah’s sacrifice replaced. As the Spirit of prophecy is Jesus testimony, so the False Prophet is the testimony of men, who have not rested in Jesus’ Gospel.
In all of these things men have not rested in Jesus Salvation. And so ‘the number of the beast, 666, the number of man,’ is the number of those who have not believed; who have not rested in Jesus’ Faith. In the three parts of Babylon, the number 666 is a witness against them. Whether, in the law, or in Jesus gospel corrupted, or in another gospel. There is no rest in them.
But Jesus says; All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knows the Son, but the Father; neither knows any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:27-29)
We read in Revelation the ‘beast of the earth;’ the gospels of men, are an image of the Beast that was wounded, which wound Daniel saw is Jesus Testimony desecrated by the religious. And further read how the Beast of the Sea, Jesus’ Gospel corrupted, worships the Dragon. So it is, our doctrines bow to the Law. In meats and drinks, and in carnal sabbaths, and the desire of earthly blessings. This is the Beast that was; that is the Law. And is not; that is, it is not Jesus’ Gospel. And yet is: That is, it has returned to the bondage of the Law.
It is written: ‘And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.’ (Revelation 13:17)
We know the redeemed tribes are purchased with the blood of the Lamb. But having sold their birthright in Christ, what redeems those who have bowed to another gospel?
This buying and selling is detailed in Revelation 18. In Babylon the first items bought and sold were used to build the Old Tabernacle. ‘The merchandise of gold, and silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, and all manner of vessels of precious wood.’ (Revelation 18:11-12)
Compare this with the LORD’S command to Moses: ‘Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of gold, and silver, brass, blue, and purple, scarlet, fine linen, goats’ hair,… and shittim wood… And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. (Exodus 25:2-8)
Next in Babylon, we see those offerings made under the Law of: cinnamon, odours, ointments, frankincense, wine, oil, flour, wheat, and beasts. (Revelation 18:13)
Compare this with a sacrifice in Leviticus. ‘And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is upon the meat offering, and shall burn it upon the altar…’ (Leviticus 6:15)
And finally in Babylon we read of the buying and selling of horses, chariots, slaves, and souls of men. Which reveal the teachings of theologians lifted above God’s Word, and of congregations in bondage to their lies. And the loss of souls that cannot be redeemed by doctrines that have rejected Jesus Salvation.
Scripture interprets Scripture. ‘Therefore let God be true and every man a liar.’ This sharing rests in Jesus’ Faith. May you hear the voice of Jesus calling your soul to His rest. In the Name of the LORD God Almighty, Jesus Christ I pray.