The woman in the Book of Revelation, who stands upon the moon, is clothed with the sun, and adorned with a crown of twelve stars, is the Covenant the LORD entered into with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; and the descendants of both their flesh and faith. Like the mothers of Jacobs sons, this 1st Covenant, in great sorrow and affliction brings forth the Messiah; the one they called JESUS. And so fulfilled Isaiah’s testimony; “behold a virgin shall conceive and bring forth Emmanuel;” which name means, God with us.
And again, speaking of the LORD’s Christ he says; “unto us a child is born, and unto us a son is given; and his name shall be called;… the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father.” And so it is JESUS name means: the Existing One’s Salvation. Amen. For JESUS is the Existing One.
The LORD’s Salvation slain by the religious, and having paid the price of our redemption with his blood, according to the curse in the Law, Eve and Adam first fell into. Which blood Abel foresaw would redeem us, before he too was slain by religious Cain. And so it is written as JESUS soul departed the graves were opened, and later as he ascended, led captivity captive and so gathered to himself all those from Adam to Christ, who had rested in His promises.
However, the blessings, cursing and great tribulation, that played out in the borders of a former Israel, would now unfold in an Israel born in a multitude of nations. When Jacob blessed the children of Joseph born in Egypt, he saw the greater blessing in the youngest, and so crossed his right hand to rest upon the head of Ephraim, saying; “he shall become a multitude of nations.” And further, Jacob bestowed upon the nations, through Ephraim, the name of Israel. So it was upon the cross, JESUS gospel and name, like the waters of Zechariah, flowed into pagan nations in those chosen vessels like Paul, who took God Almighty’s name to Ephraim’s inheritance in the nations, and to kings, and to the children of Israel. An inheritance divided in Adam’s sons, and set apart in heavens lights.
In Revelation the Woman’s seed who keep the Testimony of Jesus and the Commandments of God are taken into the wilderness on the wings of a Great Eagle, and nourished for a time, and times and the dividing of time. And the Dragon wars with her seed. That is those religious peoples who keep the Covenant of the Law; Jew, Christian and Muslim, who seek to kill the Testimony of JESUS in those who abide in the Covenant Jeremiah spoke of. Whereby the Existing One promised; He would write the Glory of His Law in an Israel created by Him. And seeing this Holy Covenant, Jeremiah lifted in the Spirit, spoke of rebuilding Jerusalem.
So too Paul, an Apostle descended of the Tribe of Benjamin. Which son Rachel named as her soul departed; “the son of sorrow.” But who Jacob seeing Christ’s ascension; named the “son of the right hand.” Brother Paul raised in the sorrow of the Pharisees, and struck down by heavens light, begged the name of the Existing One, asking; “who are you LORD?” And came the reply not only for him, but for an Israel dead in sin;
This Faith ascended in Paul, who speaking of the True Covenant the prophet saw, begged we examine our Faith. Which Faith and which Covenant is to know, JESUS Holy Spirit dwells in us.
Howbeit Daniel saw the Lion with eagles wings stood upon the earth, and given a mans heart. And this Covenant from heaven further descending into hell, brings forth the cursing in the Law, and in its end, becomes a contraption manufactured by men. In Revelation the Beast that rises from the waters of the nations is JESUS Gospel and Salvation mutilated by the very religious who appear to be his apostles. And the Apostle John seeing this spirit, testified, the antichrist went out from their midst in those who denied JESUS Christ, is both Father and Son. This is an Israel born of the trinity and other religious idolatry, who fulfill every spec of Ephraim’s wickedness. To these JESUS calls, saying; “come out of her my people.”
These are the multitudes of all nations we see in the Book of Revelation. Whose garments are washed in the blood of the Lamb. And which seed of affliction promised Abraham, must pass through great tribulation. For those so called Christian’s who seek refuge from the tribulation born of their own idolatry, who have committed the very abomination Daniel spoke of; You shall reap what you have sown. Yet, in the sevenfold vengeance of ‘Moses Song’ as shared, the LORD calls to an Israel fallen, saying ; “If then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept the punishment of their iniquity: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham.”
In the Book of Revelation we see God’s Israel. Which Tribes bear the name of JESUS, the Everlasting Father. The redeemed first -fruits, who sing as it were, a new song. For while Moses Song commands Israel believe; God is One LORD. JESUS Song prevails in an Israel who believe; He is the Existing One, who was, and who is, and who is come. The Father who gave promise to Abraham; the Promised Son who brought grace and truth, and the Spirit promised in the New Covenant.
And in these Twelve Tribes, JESUS Testimony. Like Leah’s sixth son, who she named Zebulun, saying; “now will my husband dwell with me.” Zebulun’s name means, ‘Exalted Habitation,’ and speaks of New Jerusalem. And of Zebulun, Jacob said; “he would be a haven by the sea, a haven for ships whose border of inheritance would reach to Zidon.” Zidon means to catch fish. And in the days Israel inherited Canaan, Joshua remembered Jacob’s prophecy, and placed Zebulun between the seas of the Mediterranean and Galilee.
However, the true depth of Jacobs’s blessing is seen in Moses prophecy. Of the tribe of Zebulun, Moses saw; “he would call the people, the tribes to the mountain, and offer righteous sacrifice, and suck the abundance of the sea’s.” Zebulun’s tribal banner is that of a ship, or fishing vessel.
As shared previously, each of New Jerusalem’s twelve gates, is an Angel of one of the tribes of Israel. And an Angel is a portion of Jesus Testimony. JESUS Christ’s Angel bound in Zebulun, a seemingly insignificant Tribe, is to call the Israel of God to Mount Zion and not Sinai. To offer up Christ’s sacrifice and salvation, and not the teachings of men. To fish for, and gather in the souls of men. And so it is written.
And leaving Nazareth, JESUS came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulon and Nephthali that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, say; The land of Zebulon, and the land of Nephthali, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 4:13-17)
New Jerusalem is the Tabernacle of JESUS Christ. And in the LORD’s Christ, the tribes of Gods Israel are not of this world, nor of the flesh. Nor are they named Israel but bare the name of JESUS.
For they are, and indeed always have been, the Testimony of JESUS Christ.
LORD open the Gates of their understanding to your people. In JESUS Holy name I pray. Amen