Israel’s males, were required to appear before the LORD three times each a year. To keep three feasts to the LORD every year throughout their generations. The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First-Fruits and the Feast of Ingathering. (Exodus 23) (Leviticus 23) (Numbers 28-29)
The Hebrew word for ‘Feast,’ in Scripture, means firstly to move in a perpetual cycle. Secondly, it means to be betrothed to or to be joined. The Hebrew context help us to understand the LORD’s reason for commanding Israel keep his feasts in their seasons was to join; to covenant with his people. An appointed time when Jesus gives us to eat and drink, His Word with Him.
There are two parts to this Feast: (the dividing of seeds)
The Feast of Passover was held in the evening of 14th day of the first month, Abib, in the Hebrew year. This Feast remembers the blood of the lamb, the LORD had Israel place upon the doorways of their homes. As the LORD passed over Egypt that night he put the firstborn of Egypt to death, and let the firstborn of Israel live. Just as now, the blood of Jesus Christ divides between those born of creeds, and those born of his gospel. (Exodus 12:1-14)
The Feast of Unleavened Bread was held over seven days from Sabbath to Sabbath. (a total of eight days) From the morning of the 15th, the day after the Passover, to the evening of the 21st in the first month. This feast remembers the exodus of Israel’s tribes as they departed Egypt. Today, for those of us who accept the blood of Jesus Christ’s salvation, we too must separate ourselves from the worldly things and seek the kingdom of God. We must keep his Word Holy in us. (Exodus 12:15-20)
As the leaven of the Pharisees is their traditions and laws so this leaven today is the creeds and errant beliefs of our churches. (Jesus Feasts are perpetual) In the season of “Unleavened Bread,” we are to partake of the untouched Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are to refrain from “eating” the doctrines of our errant faiths. We are not to partake of that leaven, and of that sin.
In the Book of Daniel the prophet foresaw Jesus sacrifice and offering; Jesus Gospel of Salvation, replaced in the midst of the week. (Daniel 9) Cut off and replaced by the understandings and creeds of our churches and faiths. This is the week, the time and season of the “Feast of Unleavened Bread.”