There are three parts to this Feast: (the royal line promised to Abraham)
The Sheaf Offering: As seen in the Book of Joshua, the Feast of First Fruits begins when the first green shoots of the harvest appear. Each person would take a sheaf from the first fruits of their harvest to the Priest, to wave before the LORD. The sheaf was waved the day after the Passover. A sheaf being a “tenth part” measure, which measure represents “our tithe” to the LORD. This “tithe,” is the confession, the green shoots of our faith; that Jesus alone is LORD and Christ. It is the faith of the first-fruits, the 144,000 of the Twelve Tribes, we see in the Book of Revelation. (Leviticus 23: 9-21) (Revelation 14:1-5)
The Feast of Weeks: (Feast of Sabbath’s) This Feast begins the day after the sheaf offering is waved before the LORD. From the day after the tithe is waved, a feast is held every Sabbath day, for the next seven Sabbaths. On every Sabbath day there is an offering made by fire. Its time, is forty nine days from beginning to end, and its seven Sabbaths memorialise the seasons of God’s Sabbath’s of rest, and times of release from bondage every seven years, as recorded in the Book of the Law. In the “seven” is bound the oath of God’s Covenant with Abraham.
This Feast of Weeks pertains to the purification of Jesus Faith in us. This purification is heard in the seven Church Angel Messages and seven Seals, in the Book of Revelation. The culmination of the Feast of Weeks, on the seventh Sabbath, is Pentecost. It was at Pentecost, the people understood the Messiah had been crucified, and being cut to the heart, asked the Apostle Peter what they must do. It was here, Jesus, the Spirit of Truth in Peter, declared the “Jubilee Keys” to the kingdom of God. That Jesus is both LORD and Christ. To repent and be baptised; the water. In the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin; the blood. To receive the Holy Ghost; Jesus Spirit. (Leviticus 23: 9-21) (Acts 2:38) (Revelation 2-6)
The Feast of First-Fruits: This Feast begins when the Feast of Weeks ends. On the day following Pentecost, an additional fifty days is counted. There are no offerings made during this Feast until the 50th day, when a new offering is made by fire, to the LORD. It is a time of silence if you like, from the sounding of the Jubilee trumpet on the day of Pentecost, to the restoration of the Jubilee promises. It is the Law of Christ, the Spirit of love and charity restored in those who have rested in Jesus Faith. The new offering being the new man in Christ.
The first-fruits waived; the two loaves of leavened bread, the oil, seven lambs, two rams, a bullock, the sin and peace offerings. These are all things symbolic of Jesus testimony and the everlasting covenant of peace between himself and his Priesthood. As with the Levites in former times, the Priesthood are the first-fruits, redeemed by God, and sealed with the fathers name on their foreheads; the name of the Everlasting Father, the LORD Jesus Christ. (Leviticus 23: 9-21) (Isaiah 9:6) (Revelation 14: 1-5)