… Then the Devil comes and takes the Word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. (Luke 8:12)
It was Charles Baudelaire who wrote the devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist, and when we look at the state of the world today it’s clear he’s done apretty good job. Since the Industrial Revolution we live in a world of science, evolutionand empiricism, which has replaced the Bible account and put it back on the shelf.
No longer are we the result of the wonder of creation but the spontaneous generation of a living cell. And while the source of all life and matter remains an unknown quantity to the scientific community it continues to promote hypothesis as fact. We are now gods in our own mind, for as Nietzsche stated God is dead; and as long as we believe such assertions we remain puppets in the Devil’s game. We have arrived here through our own devices, having stepped into the wilds of dishonesty, half-truths and lack of consideration for others.
For the Devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a little time. (Rev 12:12)
Today our world is full of horrors: organs harvested from the war dead for profit: fetuses’ harvested in hospitals and clinics for profit: desperate people on drugs, sold for profit. Children stripped of their virtue and childhood, manipulated, abused and sold for profit. No wonder good people rage. No wonder they are looking for a way to stem this tide of corruption and evil prepared by the prince of this world and his cronies.
So, what’s to be done when Prime Ministers and Presidents are no longer faithful to people who elect them, where integrity is a foreign country. When we find duplicity and violence in authority figures we once trusted, and see churches uncovered for sexual misconduct, not only the Catholic but across them all.
We are in this place because we have abandoned the LORD our God. Here because we now second-guess the Scriptures placing our own words in Jesus’ mouth and the price is beginning to bite. The churches have cut the cloth of Scripture to suit themselves, Bibles have been altered, the Word of God stripped, as pastors and preachers of uncertain orientation beset their flocks with fancy tales of falsehood and delight. Yes, the Devil has indeed come down.
Yet Jesus still waits at the door. He has died and risen so you may live; now calling you to believe in Him and His mighty work done for all. He is calling for you to love one another, to be at peace with yourself and others, to accept His truth before it’s too late. He is the same yesterday and today, and forever and will never change, but we must. It is time to move in His direction. It is time to say I’m sorry my LORD for ever doubting you. It is time to call upon His Holy Name; for it was Jesus Christ who said; I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6)
It is the truth. He cannot lie.
It is time to compare what the churches preach with what you read in the Holy Bible; the teaching of Jesus and the letters of Peter, Paul and James, and the Gospel and letters of John. It is now time to repent of past errors, to wipe the tears from your eyes, and to claim your inheritance before the Devil enters in and takes the Word from your heart.
In love and peace as always,