Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)
On June 12, 2023, at the conclusion of the annual gathering of Germany’s Lutheran pastors, the words were uttered: “God is Queer.” The assembled church leaders responded with enthusiasm, though not mirrored by others in attendance. The backlash was swift, direct and vigorous, citing blasphemy and spiritual blindness among other things; however, church leadership said the majority of comments were deeply un-Christian. ‘God is Queer’ was not the problem as far as the Church was concerned; the problem was people responded with disgust that it was said.
Yet, this is only one in a catalogue of failings to pervade the Church throughout its history. And while we know from the Apostle John the spirit of antichrist was present in his day, it was at Nicaea where we see it make a stand when JESUS is made a member of a tri-part God. The fact Isaiah had already declared the opposite was ignored, along with letters from Peter, Paul and John, obvious observations in the Gospels, and Peter’s declaration at Pentecost. So, the path was set for the actual truth of JESUS to remain dormant until this age. Now the blindness is being repaired as we begin to see the wonder and fullness of Almighty God, both LORD and Christ … In that day shall there be one LORD and His name one. (Zechariah 14:9)
Note: As mentioned in an earlier article, I use LORD in Caps for Acts 2:36 for numerous reasons stated in the Bible, here are two straight-forward ones:
- Isaiah declared Jesus is the Everlasting Father and the Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)
- Jesus declared: I am the beginning and the end, the first and the last. (Rev 1:11; 22:13)
The variety of spurious teaching to come out over the centuries is a marvel to behold, if for no other reason it was predicted by Jesus, the Prophets, also Peter, Paul and John. Churches have rejected sound teaching and have been living in castles in the air. That the Roman Church believes the head of the Church is Christ embodied in the Pope is but one example. The institution itself is based on falsehood. The Rock upon which the Church is built is JESUS and its foundation is the 12 Apostles. The Catholic Church now reluctantly admits Simon Peter was likely never in Rome. If he ever was, Paul and especially Luke would have told us.
Until Martin Luther, Christianity was centred on Rome its decrees and interpretation. Copies of the Bible only found in the Church or in the hands of the wealthy, its truth denied the common man. The authoritarian nature of Church, controlling the faithful through its various religious orders, was responsible for the death of millions who dared oppose it, but with Luther and his equals we see a spark of hope.
And while we begin to see the Bible in the hands of the people in a growing number of languages, its defining moment was the King James in English, which opened the Gospel as it travelled to the New World and Commonwealth. But regrettably, the new Protestant Church continues with many of Rome’s benedictions and traditions, and we see strange theology coming out of them leading away from the sureness of Holy Writ. What was once freely given becomes an object of commerce, as the truth is in silence put aside.
Perhaps it’s now time to wake-up to the truth and ease of Jesus Christ and invite Him into your life. I’m pretty certain; He would rather be within you than without you …
In peace and love as always,