lord, Lord and LORD

In the Bible we find this word written three different ways: lord (lower case); Lord (capital L) and LORD in upper case. They are in these forms to make a distinction as to meaning and/or intent. For example, lower case lord is often used as an adjective, as in to lord it over someone, in other words to express human power or authority. Lord is descriptive of a person or position; Lord of the land, household, vineyard and similar. And LORD is the current usage for Jehovah or God.

In the Old Testament there is some confusion as to the use of Lord and LORD. In Deuteronomy for instance we find; For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords (10:17) which should have been LORD of Lords, but I see why it was done that way, the intent is clear and not an issue. In Psalm 68:22 we see the Lord said I shall bring again from Bashan, when it should have been the LORD said.

We find the same thing in the New Testament, in Luke 12:46 the lord of that servant should be the Lord of that servant as he has power over the servant. But again these are not issues of concern, but examples of perhaps some inattentive editing. There is however one instance of very great concern regarding the use of Lord and LORD.

Now, when God tested Abraham’s faith it was the Angel of the LORD who called Abraham “out of Heaven.” The term the Angel of the LORD appears 64 times in Scripture from Genesis 16:7 all the way through to Acts 12:23. It is now long recognised the term Angel of the LORD is another title of Jesus Christ.

Now here’s the interesting thing. In the Old Testament, the term is written Angel of the LORD.’ In the New Testament the term is written ‘angel of the Lord,’ yet they are both descriptors of the same entity. Why would the New Testament editors express it this way, was it just lazy editing or only a change in style? What it has done is bury the truth of JESUS to New Testament readers.

We know from Jesus directly that the Prophets wrote about Him. These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. (Luke 24:44)

We also know Jesus is the Word of God (Revelation 19:13) and the Spirit in those Prophets. (Revelation 19:10) And we also know that Jesus is LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. So it is odd the New Testament has all but hidden this about Jesus, one certainly has to dig to find it. And that’s OK.

When Peter revealed Jesus was both Lord and Christ at Pentecost (Acts 2:36) it was written in the New Testament style. Since we know from our studies Jesus is more than simply ‘Lord’ but LORD it should have been expressed fully. Further evidence is the obvious from Isaiah, which declares Jesus is the Everlasting Father and Almighty God. (Isaiah 9:6)

These are why I often refer to JESUS in caps, and always write LORD instead of Lord when quoting New Testament Scripture about Jesus, especially (Acts 2:36) because JESUS is both LORD and Christ; Paul told us (Hebrews 1:8; 13:8) Peter told us (Matthew 16:16; and Acts 2:36) John certainly told us and Thomas declared it. (John 20:28)

When we honour JESUS in this way His fullness is revealed.

So, when you see an article about the LORD you will know it is JESUS the article is about. As He has told us,

He is the First and the Last: the Beginning and the End.

In Peace and Love as always,