Jesus End Time Sign

The Apostle Paul said: The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. (1Corinthians 15:47)

The Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven, spoken of in [Matthew 24] is an ‘end time sign.’ To help lay down its understanding in Scripture, I would like to share on the signs and wonders Christians associate with the miracles of healing and the like. So as to set a difference between those signs and gifts men seek, and the signs that reveal JESUS coming.

To illustrate this difference, I will touch on the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing, our beloved Apostle Paul, took great care to layout in the church. Regards speaking in tongues he said, they must be followed by interpretation. And that, if there was no interpreter, then those speaking in tongues were to keep silent. Without this order, this gift given to comfort the church, would breed confusion.

However when JESUS Spirit fell upon the Apostles at Pentecost He appeared upon them as cloven tongues of fire. Whose Spirit of Truth in Peter declared JESUS is both LORD and Christ in the Judean tongue. And yet was heard by those from many nations in their own languages. And so the Spirit of Truth requires no man interpret.

Concerning the Gift of Prophecy, Paul taught the secrets revealed in the congregation by the prophets, were to be confirmed by the prophets. However, most Christians see a prophet as someone who foretells future events. Yet, the Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of JESUS Christ. (Revelation 19:10)

And we see this difference in William Branham, who by the gift of prophecy revealed the secrets of men’s’ hearts and told of earthly events that came to pass. However by the same Spirit of Prophecy that dwelt in Isaiah and the Apostle John, Branham preached Christ is both the Father and Son. And this is JESUS Testimony. (Isaiah 9:6 – 1John 2:22)

And so I separate the Gift of prophecy from the Spirit of Prophecy. As one bears witness of earthly things whereas the other bears witness JESUS Christ is the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost; The LORD God Almighty who was, and who is, and who is to come. And these things in their order bring forth fruit, but if not, they breed confusion. So, the gifts must be subject to JESUS heavenly testimony.

And in the same place Paul set the order of the gifts, he commanded our woman not preach or teach in the church. For as Eve was made subject to Adam, so the Church must be to Christ. And while this Commandment is loathed today, its rejection is a sign, the gifts have led us away from JESUS Testimony.

With regards to healing, I have witnessed God heal people of terminal illness where medicine could not. And cure affliction in those who trusted he can. Yet while this gift heals our flesh and uplifts our souls, the gift of healing like the other gifts, cannot save our souls.

However in Revelation, the ‘leaves of the Tree of Life’ for the healing of the nations, speak of healing JESUS Body. Whose Tabernacle of Witness in Moses time, dwelt in three parts. And whose Tabernacle of Testimony in Revelation, is cleansed in the Seven Plagues. This Tabernacle is Christ; the LORDS’ WORD of Salvation gone out of His mouth in Righteousness. (Isaiah 45:23) [JESUS name means “The Existing Ones Salvation]

Which WORD became flesh, died, and rose again. And returns in the Spirit in the season of everyman’s’ Pentecost, to dwell in those who believe, and are baptised in JESUS name. Of this Paul said; By one Spirit we are baptized into one Body. (1Corinthians 12:13) So it is Christ is the Body of the Church; the Bride.

In Revelation 12 we see a Great Sign. A Woman, a Bride with the Moon under her feet, clothed with the Sun, and crowned with Twelve Stars. She is Christs’ Covenants in their order. The Moon, the lesser light to rule the night, is the Law subject to JESUS Gospel, the Sun: the greater light to rule the day. And Twelve Stars; the Spirit of Promise that crown Gods Israel.

Then we see another sign, another bride. In the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet we see Gods’ Covenants of the Law, JESUS Gospel, and Promises; corrupted. They are Mystery Babylon, who following the Seven Plagues is shaken and divides into three parts. And her three parts shadow the dispensations of Christ. She is the antichrist. (Revelation 16:19)

Their signs are bound in Gods Word. Like the Dragons Ten Horns, are the Ten Commandments. And the Ten Kings Daniel saw rule upon this earth. And as Moses rod cast down became a serpent, so the Dragon cast to the earth in Revelation, is Satan; the Great Serpent. And while Gods Law is holy, Satan’s accusation in the Law, is cast out of Heaven. Just as that same spirit in us, must be purged. And so, we see ourselves in these beasts.

So, in Revelation 13, we see the Body of JESUS wounded Gospel rising from the nations. What happened then, between the time those at Pentecost believed JESUS is both the “Existing One,” and the “Anointed One.” That is: both LORD and Christ. Whose souls Scripture confirms were saved that day. (Acts 2:34-41) What happened between then and now?

What changed brethren, as our Apostle John bear witness; “is the antichrist went out from their midst, in those who denied Christ is both Father and Son.” (1John 2:22) And that seed, bred the doctrines of devils the Spirit warned Paul would come, when at Nicaea the religious changed JESUS Testimony from: “God is One LORD” to “God is three persons.”

This creed is the ‘little horn’ with the eyes of a man, Daniel saw replace the first three of the LORDS’ Ten Commandments, that testify God is One LORD. And the mouth of the Beast in Revelation that blasphemes Gods’ Testimony and Name in heaven. This blasphemy is the grievous sore upon those who bow to the ‘image of the beast,’ in the 1st of the Seven Plagues. (Revelation 16:1)

This is a wound that only JESUS Spirit of Truth can heal. Like He did at Pentecost, when those gathered realised the LORDS’ Christ had been crucified. Who cut to the heart asked Peter what they must do and were commanded to “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38)

So, Babylon is Christ’ fallen Testimony. An image of the true. In the 6th Plague of Revelation we see three frogs come out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. They are the spirits of devils working miracles, and strong delusion that have led us captive into Babylon’s confusion. (Revelation 16:13-14) To Babylon JESUS says; “come out of her my people.”

Now, the end of the antichrist is the Beast of the Earth; the False Prophet. However, the end of Christ is the Spirit of Promise. One is of the earth, earthy. The other, is the LORD from Heaven. Some apply Gods’ Word carnally. Others worship God in Spirit, and in Truth.

When the Pharisee’s pressed JESUS for a sign, he said: “no sign would be given them, but, as Jonah was in the whales belly for three days, so the Son of Man would be in the earth for three days”. (Matthew 12:40) And this spoke of his death, burial and resurrection on earth.

However, in [Matthew 24] the ‘Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven,’ signals the restoration of JESUS Heavenly Gospelin those Tribes of the Earth who mourn even as those at Pentecost repented. And in [Revelation 11] we see JESUS Testimony put to death and after three days, rise, and ascend in the clouds of heaven. Of this Paul wrote;

In the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. (1Corinthians 15:52-53)

Watch now. Following the SIGN of the Son of Man in [Matthew 24:31] a Great Trumpet calls the Israel of God from all nations peoples and tongues. To hear and believe; “the LORD our God is One LORD.” (Deut 6:4-Mark 12:29) This is the Great Trumpet. And Moses foretold the love of this Commandment would dwell in our hearts, and be a SIGN upon our hands and foreheads.

And the same LORD; That is, the same Existing One (YHWH) who told Moses; I AM That I AM, and told Paul; I AM JESUS.

And so it is written; “in that day there shall be One LORD, and His Name One.” (Zechariah 14:9)

And in [Revelation 14] in the same place we see the ‘image of the beast’ on the foreheads of the fallen. We see the Fathers’ name, written upon the foreheads of the ‘Twelve Tribes.’ Whose Name is JESUS. Here the Spirit says, are they who keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of JESUS. And here we see the Son of Man upon the clouds in Heaven.

And so the ‘End Time Sign,’ is JESUS Name and Commandment restored in an Israel born of JESUS Heavenly Testimony.

Father only you can teach us to sing your song. A Song that no man can learn. Teach it to the poor and widowed dear Father. Restore it please. In JESUS Christ Name I pray, Amen.