Bread & Nuggets

Welcome to Bread and Nuggets

If you were to ask me for a Statement of Faith it can be summed up in six words from the Apostle Paul: one Lord one Faith one Baptism.  The Lord Faith and Baptism Paul speaks of can only be found in the LORD Jesus Christ.

It is very clear there is much confusion regarding religion and faith.  Bread and Nuggets will hopefully remove the uncertainty many now face in our ever-changing and complex world; show the Bible in an uncomplicated way, and point to the one voice and message found all through the Scriptures. These are short reads written with you in mind.

While most of the articles will look at Scriptural topics, you will also find some history on Israel and the Church, and a few comments on current events.  But the underlying reason for this stage is for the telling of truth about the LORD and His Christ so you may find the true path to God and the freedom you seek. I am honoured to be offered a place on this wonderful site to the glory of JESUS: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, creator of all.  Enjoy.

A servant in love and peace,

Part One: Preface One of my younger brethren had a fairly difficult time coming to grips with the Scriptures; an often testing journey towards the truth of Christ and the Word of God; he now has a good understanding of what spiritual and personal tribulation actually means. The LORD put this young brother through the […]

Part Two: Historical The abuse of God’s Word comes in many forms; directly tampering with it, altering context, using it in vulgarity or arrogance; but when it comes to total disregard Ancient Israel was top of the class. There are countless examples of the LORD warning Israel of what would befall them if they stayed […]

Part Three: the Way, Truth and Life As the Church of Rome and daughter churches of the Reformation have obviously touched God’s Word through errant doctrine, where do we find dependable teaching and the truth of Christ Jesus in all this confusion? With so many claiming the truth, with all manner of theological answers on […]

Part 1: Context From a simple cell to the expanse of the universe everything is governed by rules: cells cannot exist without a membrane, rain can’t fall from a cloudless sky, motion requires force, and nothing is created of itself. Without rules there is confusion. Out of rules comes stability and harmony. Paul wrote: for […]

I saw something the other day, which reminded me of an incident in March 2023, when two ultra- orthodox members of the Zionist Government proposed a law banning the name of Jesus in Israel. In order to clamp down on ‘other religions’ their bill included imprisonment for anyone preaching Christ. Due to an outburst from […]

It appears Einstein was right all along when he said: ‘only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not so sure about the former.’ Jesus answered them. Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods? (John 10:34) It also appears that many in this age believe they […]