Bread & Nuggets

Welcome to Bread and Nuggets

If you were to ask me for a Statement of Faith it can be summed up in six words from the Apostle Paul: one Lord one Faith one Baptism.  The Lord Faith and Baptism Paul speaks of can only be found in the LORD Jesus Christ.

It is very clear there is much confusion regarding religion and faith.  Bread and Nuggets will hopefully remove the uncertainty many now face in our ever-changing and complex world; show the Bible in an uncomplicated way, and point to the one voice and message found all through the Scriptures. These are short reads written with you in mind.

While most of the articles will look at Scriptural topics, you will also find some history on Israel and the Church, and a few comments on current events.  But the underlying reason for this stage is for the telling of truth about the LORD and His Christ so you may find the true path to God and the freedom you seek. I am honoured to be offered a place on this wonderful site to the glory of JESUS: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, creator of all.  Enjoy.

A servant in love and peace,

While this can be a big subject it can also be quick and easy. So, in the first of the ‘Quick Reads’ we will look at some key Scripture to discover who JESUS is. The first is from the one who announced Him, the Prophet Isaiah. His first obvious citing is in chapter seven when […]

Ancient Israel The first is Ancient Israel, which began in the mid 16th Century BC. The Kingdom was established under Saul in the 11th Century, and they were removed from their homeland by the Assyrians starting in 721BC; it took 19 years to remove them all. All that remained were the few descendants of Judah […]

To say that we have been through a difficult few years is putting it mildly. And if commentators are to be believed, it will become a whole lot worse. The reasons are many and varied. No matter your standpoint it’s pretty clear the world is at a moment of truth. It makes no difference who […]

Moses said: The LORD our God is one LORD. (Deuteronomy 6:4) David said: Salvation belongs unto the LORD. (Psalms 3:8) The LORD said to Isaiah: Is there a God besides me? I know not any. (Isaiah 44:8) The LORD said to Isaiah: I am the LORD and besides me there is no saviour. (Isaiah 43:11) […]

I once overheard a conversation that went like this…. “The reason we have a trinity is God’s fault..!’“Why?” someone asked.“Because if He had come himself we wouldn’t be having this debate..!” As you can see it was getting a little tense and arguments about religion will sometimes do that. I imagine it was much the […]

In the Bible we find this word written three different ways: lord (lower case); Lord (capital L) and LORD in upper case. They are in these forms to make a distinction as to meaning and/or intent. For example, lower case lord is often used as an adjective, as in to lord it over someone, in […]

More to the point, what’s up with American Evangelism and their skewed opinion on Russia, the East and the Jewish State? Evangelicals have a strange mindset Moscow is the Biblical enemy of Israel and the West, which is of course nonsense. Along with other spurious items their ‘evidence’ is selected Bible verses used to lobby […]

Like a lot of things today Christians appear in short supply; Church turnout at its lowest ebb since attendance records began. Since the 1950s those professing Christianity has dropped by almost half in much of the western world. In Europe at an all time low, albeit 90% of people surveyed in the last five years, […]

There is a lot of talk of digital currencies, ID cards, facial recognition and smart technology looking to record our every move. While we are right to be concerned by these things, they are not the Mark of the Beast as some imagine, and cannot diminish the Salvation of JESUS in us. Yet they will […]

But you, when you pray, enter into your room. And shutting the door, pray to your Father in secret; and your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly. But when you pray, do not babble vain words … for your Father knows what you have need of before you ask. (Matthew 6:6-8) These […]