The Israel of God

(transcript of the audio files in the download section)

When the Baptist declared, God is able of these stones to raise children to Abraham, he rebuked the conceit in those Jews that looked down upon those not descended from the Patriarch’s. Paul also taught; “that when Abraham believed God’s promise, it was accounted to him for righteousness, and so they which are of faith, are the children of Abraham.” (Galatians 3:6-7)

So when the Apostle spoke of the Israel of God, he did not boast in the flesh, but rather spoke of those tribes, peoples and nations who descend from Abraham’s faith. And the Spirit of God foreseeing pagan nations would one day be justified by faith, prophesied, saying; “in thee shall all nations be blessed.”

So, the “proselytes of Judaism’ that occupy Palestine today, are not the tribes of either Abraham’s flesh or faith, as Abrahams faith manifests in the Promised Son. And while half of Christianity await the rapture, the other half look for JESUS return to earth. However, should you turn to the witness of the LORD’s Prophets, and seek the testimony of His Apostles; then the Spirit of God in His Word, shall reveal to you, the Israel of God. Moreover, the Faith of JESUS, in them, shall become in you.

  • When the Baptist declared, God is able of these stones to raise children to Abraham, he rebuked the conceit in those Jews that looked down upon those not descended from the Patriarch’s. Paul also taught; “that when Abraham believed God’s promise, it was accounted to him for righteousness, and so they which are of faith, are […]
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