The Book of Daniel is divided into three parts, and in each part, a beast. In the 1st part, we see the image of a man from its golden head, to its toes of clay and iron. In the 2nd, we observe four beasts as they rise from the sea. And in the 3rd, powers […]
The Songs of Moses and the Lamb The ‘seven plagues’ fall upon those who have taken the ‘mark of the beast;’ upon those who have bowed to another gospel, or have been ‘purchased’ by another salvation. As Revelation leads into the plagues, we hear the songs of Moses and the Lamb; sung to those who […]
As the bride of Jesus is the pure Word of God; Babylon is contaminated doctrine mixed with the Law and Gospel of Jesus. Two brides; seen side by side in (Revelation 12) as the Dragon, and the Woman with a crown of twelve stars upon her head – the City of Babylon and New Jerusalem. The […]