Tag: Jesus Faith

When asked by his disciples when the world would end, and he return, Jesus replied; heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Word would remain. In the Book of Revelation we see this heaven and earth dissolve, and New Jerusalem descend upon a new heaven, and a new earth. And so men’s teachings regards […]

(transcript of the audio files in the download section) When the Baptist declared, God is able of these stones to raise children to Abraham, he rebuked the conceit in those Jews that looked down upon those not descended from the Patriarch’s. Paul also taught; “that when Abraham believed God’s promise, it was accounted to him […]

Two Silver Trumpets The LORD had Moses make two trumpets from a single piece of silver. These trumpets were blown by the sons of the High Priest. A ‘single trumpet’ blown, would gather the ‘princes’ of the tribes to Moses and Aaron. Whereas, ‘both trumpets’ sounding together, would gather the ‘congregation’ of Israel; to the […]