Not of God…

After the Great Command: the LORD our God is one Lord: (Mark 12:29) the next in importance is we love one another. They should be uppermost in our mind and engraved upon our heart. But sadly in today’s world, we see little acceptance of these instructions from God.

A Military industrial complex (MIC) is sustained by the idea of an existential threat. The only way to acknowledge such threats is to have an enemy: if no such enemy actually exists then to find one to maintain the illusion. As expected, a major portion of the US economy entails weapons production for their use, sales and export, yet no matter the reason it has only one purpose. But it is a matter of public record; the US Administration has managed to find more threats, more enemies, and has invaded more states by various means, than any other country since the Second World War.

It is irrefutable, American hegemony is the catalyst for much of the world’s unrest. Backed by the US Administration, Israel and Ukraine are two examples of their influence at work. And while Kiev is not immune to criticism for its attacks on clergy, church and citizens; Zionists, have managed to explode the myth of having a divine right to Palestine by their actions in the West bank and Gaza. With the Evangelical Christian lobby backing Israelis, clearly committing genocide, how can it not be an affront to God, and right thinking people?

Recently, American forces dropped urgent supplies in parts of Gaza to the dismay of humanitarian groups already there, as they knew what would happen, and it did. While women and children were gathering the desperately needed food and water they were fired upon by the IDF. For the Zionists it was the ideal bait, many were killed and wounded by this despicable act. And the blinkered thanked their God that prayers had been answered for a food drop to the desperate and poor.

Now, the Russian Operation in Ukraine is underway for several reasons. Foremost, to stop a war they did not start, and to provide security for a region historically Russian in language and culture. Also to remove completely, the legacy of Nazism imbedded in Ukraine, which the West is upholding by the supply of arms and munitions to Kiev, for a war instigated by western interests.

Evangelicals on the other hand ignore this legacy, praying instead for the demise of a rogue Russian state living in the minds of crazed theologians and churchgoers. It is ironic that Russia today is more Christian and tolerant towards other peoples and faiths than the West is ever likely to be. It is no accident, the sculpture ‘let us beat swords into ploughshares’ on permanent display at the UN: made by prominent Soviet sculptor Evgeniy Vuchetich was donated by Russia, as an act of good will.

When the USSR was dismantled, the Russians believed NATO would do likewise, since its role had essentially become redundant. But NATO remained, to further develop moving closer to Federation borders. Russia is not a belligerent state, and knows the price of war more than most. But they will end them as Hitler discovered, and will protect their own from external aggression, no matter the cost as the West is now learning. Any astute leader or politician knows this and should take note.

Now, every nation has the right to defend itself to protect its people and assets. But no one has the right to invade another when the purpose is unmitigated slaughter. It is not of God no matter how much it is deemed justified. We are commanded to love one another, including our enemies. This is not some naïve sentiment, but from the LORD on how to behave in the world. Forgiveness is at the heart of His Gospel and essential for salvation. And whether you like it, accept it or not, your future will depend on it. And now, we will save the final observations for the Apostle, John.

If a man says, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar and this commandment we have from Him, that he who loves God loves his brother also. (1John 4:20; 21)

Again, in love and peace,