
In general, Western culture is American culture. It slipped into western consciousness and practise its roots firmly planted in the Second World War. It came by way of movies and television, literature and music; progressed with clothing, food, and beverage brands, American franchises now govern the market, and American sayings are now commonly heard around the world.

We see similar in the Americanisation of Christianity; turning the Gospel into a profit centre. The modern American version of the Bible (the NIV) has altered it so much; the light sinks deeper into the grave. The Gospel has been shaped into what people want to hear, discarding much of its truth through deletion and editing. What has been done to suit the new narrative is extremely sad: for the time will come when they do not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. (2Timothy 4:3)

I am not for one minute suggesting this of all American Christians. I know many of you have walked away from organised religion to seek a better and personal relationship with our LORD and Christ. You have planted small and growing fellowships where the true Gospel is read, shared and preached, knowing JESUS is Father, Son and Spirit. He is within you and you are blessed in this knowledge. And you know all is not well with the Church and the world. May our LORD bless and keep you all. Paul said he was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; let us always share his conviction.

As for others who do not know the Faith of Jesus, I have something to share. If you are awaiting the rapture, it’s a man-made idea, not the truth of Scripture. If you believe the doctrine Jesus is the Son, and not the Father and the Son as John and Isaiah made plain, there is more you need to discover. And if you are of the view baptism of the Spirit has replaced water, you need to think again.

Jesus was baptised in water; a sacrificial washing with His Spirit present, just as we are washed into His death and Resurrection with His Spirit present. To receive the ‘gift’ of the Holy Spirit we must be baptised under the Name of Jesus Christ as Peter declared at Pentecost. Salvation comes only by way of JESUS name, not His titles of which there are many.

Now, I am not singling out the US in particular as there are clearly others at fault, but the reality is, much of world’s current mess has its origin in the USA. The social upheaval of the 1960s was largely American; its leading players were those of the counter-culture movement. No longer wanting to keep traditional values and sexual norms they became the colourful itinerant opposition, and lived the idea it is better to make love not war. This Hippie vision quickly spread around the world in a new era of film, fashion and literature, shaping a future in which many became politically active, rebellious and self-serving.

It also saw the growth of Eastern and similar religious influence, together with the decline of Church attendance and belief. The 1960s also saw the rise of women’s activism, advances in birth control and the growth of abortion clinics. In the 1970s we begin to see the ordination of women into some orders of Christianity; women priests, bishops and celebrants are now common: apparently there to keep the church ‘relevant’ thus flouting the Word of God given through Jesus to His servant, Paul. There is nothing unseen by the LORD and everything comes at a price.

Maybe it’s now time to change our focus from the things of this world to the glory of the next. To seek the LORD Jesus Christ, His peace, wonder and glory. As the time fast approaches for judgment and salvation, we had better make sure our election is secured.

In love and peace as always,