And God said this is a token of the covenant which I make between me and you, and every living creature with you for everlasting generations: I set my rainbow in the cloud. And it shall be a token of a covenant between me and the earth. (Genesis 9:12-13)
So, June is rainbow month. I saw a wonderful rainbow recently, which sat in the sky for several hours its intensity of colour a joy to behold. And I thought of Noah and his family saved out of the corruption men had wrought upon the earth: that the LORD had deemed him worthy of salvation and as a seed for the generations to come. And for many generations men called upon the LORD and kept His statutes and lived in righteousness, but not all. God’s covenant with Noah quietly slipped from memory;
the LORD’S token now a sign of perversion and wickedness.
I was saddened, not so much by the usual display in most Western Cities but what I saw inside the churches. Cathedrals lit up with rainbow lighting and rainbow banners covering altars; rainbow streamers in St. Peter’s square and across Europe, as the Denominations pay homage to their downfall declaring God is queer. But there is more to this than banners and flags, and the appalling behaviour of bishops and deacons.
Until recently, the rainbow was a symbol adopted by those of a particular leaning to rally around; to highlight their proclivity and self-absorption. Yes, we are given free will to make our own life choices; it’s what happens when we stand in judgment before the LORD that counts. But, the matter at hand is the use of the rainbow to promote an agenda to the young and the defenceless.Our children are being targeted about their gender with fictitious claims like ‘gender-affirming care’ (meaning sex re-assignment surgery and puberty blockers) is ‘mental health care.’ These and many similar statements by the “we’re coming for your children” gang are manipulative, evil and just plain wrong. I refer you to Luke 17.2 and what Jesus said about those that hurt the little ones: better for him that a millstone was hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea.
This distorted accent on sexuality began in the 1960s with Alfred Kinsey, now accepted by many education authorities as the benchmark for sex education now openly corrupted. Prior to this it consisted of human biology and reproduction, hygiene and marriage. Accordingly, in the US, sex-reassignment surgery, valued at $US 1.9 billion in 2021, is growing at a rate of +11% annually.
However, it shows how far standards have fallen, and importantly, how much power is invested in this degeneracy through fear. Those who speak out against it are libelled, slandered, beaten and abused, even imprisoned for standing up for good sense and right values. The Irish Parliament is currently enacting legislation to make any type of opposition to this woke rainbow agenda illegal. Hundreds of celebrities across entertainment and media have called for social media bans for anyone opposing this nonsense; to say nothing of illicit child trafficking for organs, sex and profit.
I am reminded of Hosea prophesying to Israel. Since you have forgotten the law of your God; I will also forget your children. (Hosea 4:6) As we have abandoned the LORD, trampled His Word and perverted His Gospel; our children are now paying the terrible price. We can’t say we weren’t warned. In fact we were given numerous warnings in Scripture of what would come to pass.
But watch now..! John spoke of it, Paul spoke of it and Jesus foretold it. This era and wickedness was set in stone; the age of trial, of winnowing, and the separation of the wheat from the chaff. It’s the great calling out and it’s time to wake up. Or we can do nothing and let evil have its day. Surely it couldn’t get any worse than this, could it? You know what to do, repentance comes first.
In love, hope and peace,