Like a lot of things today Christians appear in short supply; Church turnout at its lowest ebb since attendance records began. Since the 1950s those professing Christianity has dropped by almost half in much of the western world. In Europe at an all time low, albeit 90% of people surveyed in the last five years, claim to have been baptised. Survey results for all mainstream churches show disaffection and a steady fall since the 1960s, due in part to the social upheaval of the time. But this has been going on for quite a while, as noticed in the late 17th Century.
Akin to Paul, Peter spoke of the times there will come in the last days scoffers walking according to their own desires and saying where is the promise of His coming? (2Peter 3:3-4) Jesus also talked of the conditions and set out perfectly the age we are in. So why are we seeing this decline; is there any one thing we can put it down to or is it simply a symptom of the age?
There are several aspects affecting church numbers and the move away from established values; much of it running parallel with the growth of technology and personal freedoms. As the world became easier having survived two world wars; entertainment choices grew, new leisure activities, improved transport options, and with sport becoming an all engrossing passion, attendance fell.
The promotion of individual rights, freedom of expression, sexual freedom; physical autonomy, evolutionism and debate on God’s existence and employment pressures, also featured in a new, evolving secular world. Increasingly, God was put on the shelf and religion quietly abandoned in step with self-centred lifestyles. Though a turn up in some recent surveys shows all is not lost, there has actually been an increase in some areas. Of interest, there are now more Christians in the Russian Federation than all American denominations combined.
And while Baptists still have viable numbers, the Pentecostal Church is showing moderate gains, and new independent churches are growing. But the fall clearly points to Catholic, Anglican and similar faiths, failing miserably in their care for the Gospel and Congregations; homosexual clergy and the abuse of minors, given as reasons for most alienations and exits. The real reason is they have not been hearing the Gospel preached. But there is another explanation. For some reason, and in ever increasing numbers, people are examining their church and faith.
And I heard another voice from Heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you may not be partakers of her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues. For her sins joined together, even up to Heaven, and God has remembered her unjust deeds. (Rev 18:4-6)
When we look further into Revelation and Daniel we find the present state of church and religion perfectly described when we compare them with the Gospel. They have created a famine having reduced their bread to crumbs and ashes. Yet in the denominational churches, there are still good people hungry for the truth. These are they the LORD is calling into a new and brighter faith, spirit to Spirit, one in JESUS Christ.
So the dividing has begun. Those who no longer believe have already walked away. Others will leave to establish God-centred fellowships sharing the truth of a Gospel so long denied; and for some, hearing it properly for the very first time.
So where have the Christians gone?
They have gone nowhere at all, but hidden in the Faith of JESUS, their hearts unchanged. It is the tares that have gone having simply failed the test.
In Peace and love as always,