The First and Second Plagues

In the Book of Revelation the Churches falling away from Jesus Faith brings forth the antichrist spirit bound in the Seals.

The antichrists perversion of Christ’s Testimony declared in the Trumpets is reaped in the Plagues. In these four stages JESUS Salvation to the fallen is put to death. As such, we need to examine our own faith to ensure the seasons of this falling away do not commence in us.

In the Plagues of Revelation we hear Moses Song.

As Background: In the Old Testament three parts of Gods Testimony were placed in the Ark. The tables of Stone. (the Law) The Pot of Manna, the bread from heaven. (Jesus Gospel) And Aaron’s Rod that budded and brought forth fruit. (Jesus Spirit of Promise) Moses Song, a 4th part was also placed in the side of the Ark. A witness against Israel, it is the accusers portion. So Satan not only overshadowed the Ark as a Covering Cherubim, but his spirit dwelt in the Ark.

Satan’s spirit dwells in God’s Word…. 

Jesus said; Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuses you, even Moses, in whom you trust. For had you believed Moses, you would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

In Exodus Chapter 4, Moses Witness is accompanied by three Signs:

The Voice of the 1st Sign: Its ‘voice’ is the Law. Its Sign is two-fold. Firstly, a Rod when lifted up blessed Israel. Secondly, when cast to the ground became a serpent and cursed Israel. The Dragon, cast from Heaven to Earth in Revelation; that Great Serpent, is the Covenant of the Law; Moses Rod cast down. Its inherent deceit as Eve learnt, is that its blessings and life, give way to cursing and death.

The Voice of the 2nd Sign: given to Moses is the sign of the clean and the leprous hand. It is the ‘voice’ of the Latter Sign. Its Voice is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its sign is twofold. The clean hand placed over the heart pertains to Jesus untouched Gospel in our hearts. The leprous hand speaks of Jesus corrupted gospel in our hearts. The ‘voice’ reveals the sign. 

The 3rd Sign has no voice: If Israel did not believe the former and latter Voices and their Signs, Moses was to take of water of the river and pour it upon the earth, where the water became blood.Its sign proclaims the people have not believed the testimonies of Moses and the Lamb. The waters turning to blood signify Gods Word rejected.

Now each Plague has an Angel; that is, a portion of Gods Word. The Plagues are like this:

The 1st Plague

Rev 16:2  And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Moses in Deuteronomy commanded Israel to hear; God is One LORD, To believe God is… the EXISTING ONE. He declared this faith would be a mark, a sign upon the right hand and forehead of those, who love the LORD’s Testimony.

This Great Commandment is the Root of the Faith of JESUS….

In this same way, the creeds used to articulate men’s beliefs are an image of the true; and are as a mark, a sign upon the right hand and foreheads of those who bow to them. Gods Word reveals the ‘Beast of the earth is Man.‘ The image of the Beast is an image of Jesus gospel perverted by men, rising from the Sea in Revelation.

To be clear, our creeds are an image of Jesus Gospel

Like the Trinitarian, Binatarian, Unitarian, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, Judaism, Islam, and every other religious schism that does not anoint JESUS both LORD and Christ; both the EXISTING ONE and the Messiah.

The Mark of their defiled gospels upon our Right Hands is the Sign of the Leprous Hand. The Latter Sign. Its voice reveals their leprous creeds. The noisome and grievous sores that emanate from this error are the curses and plagues JESUS sets loose from His Law and Gospel. Only He can break the Seals. A spirit revealed in the grievous wound Daniel saw, as the first three of the ten commandments ripped out and replaced with the creeds of men. And having desecrated JESUS Testimony its Blasphemy would reign in the Forty-Two Times of the church in the nations.

The 2nd Plague

Revelation 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

In the 2nd trumpet a third part of the Sea smitten by the antichrist turned to blood. That is those parts of Christs Testimony bound in JESUS Law, His Prophets and Gospel, now altered by the religious. Like the many antichrists the Apostle John revealed who went out from the midst of the Apostles Church in Jerusalem, and who denied Jesus the Christ is both the Father and Son…

Tho Moses wrote of Him;… and though Isaiah said the Messiah would be the Everlasting Father; and tho JESUS said he is the Father.

And although brethren JESUS said He would return as the Comforter, the deaf and blind still look for the sign of His coming, when it is clear JESUS, the SPIRIT of Truth returned at Pentecost. Just as He can come to you now, and SEAL you with His Name.

if you repent and believe JESUS is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; That you believe Jesus is both LORD and Christ… (Acts 2:36)

So the LORD God Almighty whose testimony the religious have vandalised, this same JESUS holds the keys of Death and Hell, and in their seasons releases the plagues and death that abide in His Commandments and Gospel. The SPIRIT of JESUS warns;

For I testify to every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Revelation 22)

If in our error we have added to or taken away from the life bound in JESUS Salvation, then the plagues and cursing unbound bring forth death. And our souls having rejected JESUS Salvation die in the creeds and doctrines of our churches. The Sea, the waters, our congregations turning to blood signify we have rejected life and chosen death.

Yet for all of this the LORD’S GRACE goes beyond the grave. In Deuteronomy Moses wrote of JESUS pleading for His Testimony in Israel saying: …

See now that I, even I, AM He, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever…

May our LORD bless the understanding of these first two plagues in our hearts. May they admonish us to examine our Faith in JESUS Holy Name, I pray; Amen.