Zion’s Gates – Part 5 of 5


When Elijah repaired the altar Jezebel’s prophets had broken down on Mount Carmel, he took twelve stones according to the number of Jacob’s sons and built an altar in the LORDS’ name. And calling on the Existing One, his sacrifice was accepted. (Kings 18:30) In New Jerusalem, JESUS Name lives within an altar of Twelve Angels, and upon them, His sacrifice and Salvation.

The order of the Gates of New Jerusalem is the order of JESUS Salvation. Through the Eastern Gates we enter into Faith. To believe, ‘JESUS is both LORD and Christ, and To repent, and be baptised in JESUS Christ name,’ and so fulfil the tenants of ‘the water, the blood, and the Spirit.’ Just as the High Priest and his sons were also consecrated by water, the blood and oil.

And, as Aaron and his sons were sprinkled with oil and blood before they entered the Tabernacle; from the Northern Gates we learn that we must first put on the garments of forgiveness and grace to cover our flesh. In the Southern Gates, the Breastplate of JESUS righteous judgement is placed in our heart and mind. And in His Covenant of ‘Spirit and Truth’ we are joined to Him. (Leviticus 8)

In the order of these things, JESUS Name and Testimony are a Royal Priesthood consecrated, to serve the Israel of God. Now, JESUS Gospel is sown in the East, and reaped in the West. So, we now come to the Angels of the Western Gates. (Revelation 7 & 21)


To JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Zebulon’s Gate.

Leah said’ “God has endued me with a good dowry; now will my husband dwell with me.” (Gen 30:20) Zebulon’s name means; ‘exalted habitation.’ From Jacob we hear; “Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea, and he will be a haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon.” (Gen 49:13)

And Moses said; “Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out and Issachar, in thy tents. They shall call the people to the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand.” (Deut 33: 18-19) 

Zebulon dwells by the sea and is a haven for ships. Its banner is that of a ‘ship in sail.’ In Scripture the ‘sea’ speaks of ‘peoples, nations, and tongues.’ That Zebulon’s border is ‘to Zidon’ reveals its purpose, as Zidon means to ‘catch fish.’ In Zebulon’s Angel, JESUS Heavenly Gospel draws by His Spirit.

This is seen in the prophecies of Moses; and while I did not touch on it in the Southern Gates, the prophecies over Zebulon and Issachar are bound together. In ancient Israel, both Zebulon and Issachar stood either side of Judah in the Eastern Brigade. JESUS Angel in their Tribes in that dispensation took Christ’s Testimony, bound in the Law, out into the nations.

However, in Zion, Zebulon’s ‘going out’ refers to JESUS Jubilee Gospel. And Issachar’s ‘tents’ speaks of those who have believed and ‘come to rest in Christ’s Tabernacle.’ Their witness draws Ephraim’s multitudes as ‘the sand of the sea’ to JESUS Salvation offered upon the altar of Israel’s’ Tribal Angels in Mount Zion.  In Zebulon, Christ’s Tabernacle is exalted.


To JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Joseph’s Gate.

When Rachel bear Joseph her first son, she said “God has removed my reproach and shall add to me another son.” (Genesis 30:23) Joseph’s name means, the LORD’S increase.

Jacob said “Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well whose branches run over the wall: The archers hated him but his hands were made strong by the Mighty God of Jacob; from him the ‘Shepherd, and Stone of Israel.’ The Almighty bless you with the blessings of heaven above and the deep below. The blessings of your father have prevailed above those of my offspring to the bounds of the everlasting hills. They shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separated from his brethren.” (Genesis 49:22-26)

Of Joseph, Moses ‘blessed the precious things of heaven above, and the deep below – the precious fruits of the sun and of the moon – the chief things of the ancient mountains and the everlasting hills.’ And said further, “let the blessing come on the ‘head of Joseph’ and the ‘top of the head’ of him separated from his brethren. His glory is like the firstling of his ox, and his horns like the horns of a wild ox: with them, he shall push the nations to the ends of the earth: they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and the thousands of Manasseh.” (Deut 33:13-17)

Joseph’s banner is ‘a fruitful branch by a well,’ and in him there are two parts. From the first-fruits of Manasseh’s grace come Ephraim’s multitudes out of great tribulation; whose robes in Revelation are washed white in the Blood of the Lamb. In them is the increase of Joseph’s offspring. And though we are saved by grace, it is here, the blasphemies in our church beliefs are corrected.

As the mountains of blessing and cursing dwelt in Ephraim’s border, ‘so the seven times of plenty and famine’ dwell in Joseph’s Angel. Famines, we see consume JESUS Salvation in the Church Angels and Seals of Revelation. As Joseph’s brothers hated him and sold him into Egypt, so JESUS Church in the nations has also hated His Testimony. And as Joseph was separated from his brethren, our churches have separated the Testimony of the Existing One, from His Christ.

Yet, JESUS Christ is both Existing One and Messiah; the Shepherd and Stone of Israel. In this, the “rods of Judah and Joseph become one.” And from the Altar of His Name restored comes Zion’s Salvation. JESUS name marks the crown of Joseph’s head and is the ‘root’ of Joseph’s increase. And as Joseph saw the sun, the moon and eleven stars bow to him, so JESUS Gospel, Commandments, and the Spirit of Prophecy, all bow as one in JESUS Christ name.


To JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Benjamin’s Gate.

Now, Rachel died giving birth to her second son. “And as her soul departed, she called his name Benoni,” which means ‘son of my sorrow.’ But Jacob named him Benjamin; ‘son of the right hand.’ (Gen 35:18) From Jacob; “Benjamin shall raven as a wolf. In the morning he shall devour the prey and at night he shall divide the spoil.” (Gen 49:27) And Moses said; “The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by him; and the LORD shall cover him all day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders. (Deut 33:12)  

In Israel’s time, the tribe of Benjamin refused to correct an abomination in their midst. So, all of  the Tribes gathered at Gibeah to judge and cleanse their brother’s sin from Israel. In the battles that ensued, all the woman, children and men of Benjamin were put to death. But a few hundred men escaped the sword. Afterwards, Israel mourned bitterly for the loss of their brother, ‘and took from the daughters of Shiloh,’ wives for the men to restore Benjamin’s tribe.

Benjamin’s banner is a ‘ravening wolf.’ In Benjamin, the LORD’S ‘Destroying Angel’ judges and devours those who have touched the Word of His Salvation. In the morning, in the Church Angels and Seals, He has devoured. And in the darkness of the Trumpets and Plagues, the LORD God Almighty divides the harvests. In the Seven Plagues of Revelation, ‘from within those who repent of their blasphemy,’ comes Shiloh to ‘restore the beloved.’ Mercy be praised!

The ‘Beloved,’ is the Angel of JESUS Testimony that rests between ‘His Shoulders.’ For, as Benjamin in Joshua’s day dwelt between the borders of Judah and Ephraim, so JESUS Salvation rests between Judah’s’ Faith and Joseph’s Promise. And as Rachel’s soul departed in bitterness and sorrow, in the twinkling of an eye ‘the right hand’ of JESUS Salvation is restored in those who repent and turn to the LORD.


From the Western Gates of Harvest, comes the Jubilee Gospel of JESUS Salvation exalted in Zebulon. In Joseph, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that JESUS Christ is LORD. And this name marks the Israel of God. And from Benjamin comes the ‘Bond of Perfection’ restored in the poor, the blind, and the naked. For as Judah and Joseph become one in the LORD’S hand, so JESUS is the root and the offspring; the SPIRIT and the Bride.

When Jacob finished blessing his sons, he put his feet up into his bed and gave up his soul. Moses too, having blessed Israel’s Tribes, was taken, and buried by the LORD. And New Jerusalem was the last of those things breathed by the prophets. But in this last generation, JESUS has remembered His Testimony in Zion’s Angels. LORD, as you have shown, draw the Israel of God to yourself. Amen.


We started this journey through the Gates of New Jerusalem with David’s Prayer. And I finish with this same prayer but ask we all consider its depth once more.

When the LORD shall build Zion, he shall appear in his glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute and not despise their prayer. This shall be written for the generation to come and a people which shall be created shall praise the LORD. For he has looked down from the height of his sanctuary. From heaven did the LORD behold the earth; To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death. To declare the Name of the LORD in Zion, and his Praise in Jerusalem; (Psalm 102: 16-21)