Zions Gates [P2 of 5]


New Jerusalem above is the Tabernacle of God, cleansed in the Trumpets and Plagues in those who come to rest in JESUS Faith. In Israel’s time, a single trumpet summoned the Princes of the Tribes to Moses. In the same way, we see the ‘royal seed’ from the Twelve Tribes in the Book of Revelation gather to the Lamb. These Tribes carry the name of JESUS, the Everlasting Father, upon their foreheads.

As Aaron’s sons blew both Silver Trumpets, to gather the Congregation of Israel to the door of the Tabernacle; so the songs of Moses and the Lamb have gathered those from all nations to JESUS Testimony. Nations, bound in those prophecies made over Ephraim, are seen in those multitudes of Revelation Chapter 7, which have passed through great tribulation. And as Jacob’s name Israel was placed upon Ephraim, so those multitudes from all nations, peoples, and tongues, are the Israel of God. (Genesis 48:19)

As Chapters 2 and 10, in the Book of Numbers, set out the divisions of Israel’s Tribes, so Revelation Chapters 7 and 21, order the ‘Gates of New Jerusalem.’ Judah, Reuben, and Gad are the first of the Twelve Tribes named in Chapter 7. Their ‘Angels’ are the three Eastern Gates of Chapter 21. In them is found Christ’s Testimony of JESUS. And note that Ephraim and Dan are not named in the Twelve Tribes in Revelation.

As shared earlier, Ephraim are those ‘multitudes from all nations’. And with Dan’s exclusion, we see New Jerusalem in its true light. As Judas was purged from JESUS disciples, so the spirit in those prophecies made over Dan are purged from JESUS Testimony. Of Dan, born of Rachael’s bond-maid Bilhah, Rachael said; “God has judged me.” And so, Dan’s name means, ‘a judge’ as in using the law to condemn. Of Dan, Jacob foresaw; “Dan shall be a serpent by the way that bites the horses’ heels so that his rider falls backward.” (Genesis 49:17)

So, the Spirit of Prophecy that dwelt in Jacobs’ sons and their Twelve Tribes, and also in the Twelve Apostles, is in the Gates of Zion’s Angels. From them, the ‘spirit of the accuser,’ which seeks to take us back into the bondage of the law has been purged. Just as that same spirit, must be cleansed in us. By Dan’s omission from Revelation’s Tribes, we see the purpose of JESUS in Zion is not earthly, but Spiritual; as ‘Flesh and blood shall not enter the Kingdom of God.’



So now to the Eastern Gates: When Jacob’s wife Leah gave birth to her 4th son, she said; “Now shall I praise the LORD.” (Genesis 29:35) So, Judah’s name means ‘Praised.’ Before his death, Jacob prophesied saying; “Judah is a lion’s whelp: – who shall make him stand? The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come, and to him shall the gathering of the people be.” (Gen 49:9-12) And from Moses; “Hear LORD the voice of Judah; bring him to his people.” (Deut 33:7)

JESUS’ Testimony in the ‘Angel of Judah’s Gate’ goes beyond the Sceptre of David’s rule; and brings a greater Law than that of the Lawgiver Moses, for where Moses taught, an eye for an eye, JESUS commands that, we love our enemies. As JESUS came preaching, the Kingdom of Heaven and a royal law, so, Judah’s dominion is eclipsed and departs when Shiloh comes.

Shiloh is a title of the Messiah, which means ‘peace.’ In Hebrew, Messiah means the ‘Anointed King of Israel’ – the ‘Anointed Messianic Prince’ – and the ‘Anointed High Priest.’ Not just the Father, but the Son. Not just the Son, but the Holy Spirit. And so, it is written: “I JESUS, have sent My Angel to testify of these things in the Churches; I AM the Root and the Offspring of David.” (Revelation 22:16)

For in Psalm 110, David said, “The ‘Existing One’ said to my Lord (that is to Christ) sit at my right hand, until I make thy enemies thy footstool.” Enemies, made subject at Pentecost, when JESUS’ Angel in Peter said; “JESUS is both the ‘Existing One’ and Christ.” (Acts 2:36) This brethren, is the Faith of JESUS, and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah that prevails in us; the Lion in the Book of Revelation who stands as a ‘slain lamb’

This is the ‘voice’ Moses blessed, and the ‘praise’ Leah rejoiced in.



Now to JESUS Testimony in the Angel of Reuben’s Gate: When Leah bare Reuben, she said; “The LORD has looked upon my affliction.” (Genesis 29:32) Reuben’s name means; ‘Behold a Son.’ Jacob blessed Reuben, his firstborn, saying: “You are the beginning of my strength, and the excellency of my dignity and power. Unstable as water, you shall not excel because you went up to your fathers’ bed.” (Gen 49:3-4) Of the Tribe of Reuben, Moses said; “Let Reuben live, and not die.” (Deut 33:6)

In Reuben, we hear of the affliction foretold in the LORD’S Covenant with Abraham’s seed. Adversity, bound in the Covenant of the Law; Commandments that are the ‘excellency of Israel’s strength, dignity and power.’ The Covenant Moses placed before Israel, saying; “I set before you today; life and good, and death and evil.” Moses’ blessing; “Let Reuben live and not die,” sits perfectly in this context.

Through Reuben’s Gate come those in whom JESUS Faith does not excel, but even so, they abide in the Law. Just as Reuben chose to dwell in the land where Moses was buried in Joshua’s time. Reuben’s Gate stands beside the Gate of Judah’s Faith. In each of the wall’s three gates abides Christ’s threefold purpose, and in each wall a common purpose. Gods’ purpose in Zion’s Eastern Wall, is to establish JESUS Name of Salvation in us.

Israel’s Tribal Banners reveal the Spirit of those prophecies made over them. Reuben’s Tribal banner is of a man, and water. Just as Judah’s Tribal Banner is of a Lion, and a Lamb; the lamb of God slain for our sins. So, from Reuben and Judah come the testimony of the water and the blood; the tenants of baptism, and the remission of sin.



To JESUS’ Testimony in the Angel of Gad’s Gate, the 3rd Gate in the Eastern Wall. Zilpah, Leah’s bondmaid, bare a son of whom Leah said; ‘Behold a troop comes, and she called his name Gad.’ (Gen 30:10-11) Gads’ name means ‘a troop,’ in the context of an invading force.

Of Gad, Jacob prophesied; “a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.” (Genesis 49:19) And Moses blessed Gad, saying: “He dwells as a lion, and tears the arm and the crown of the head. He provided the first part for himself because there in a portion of the lawgiver, was he seated; he came with the heads of the people, he executed the justice of the LORD, and his judgments with Israel.” (Deut 33:20-21)

It is not the Lion of Judah, but in Gad we see the Spirit of Christ as a Lion, ‘tear the arm and the crown;’ and execute the righteous justice of the LORD. Gad’s portion abides in the Law of Moses for a season, until such time as JESUS Faith ascends in us. The prophecies over Gad, speak of our journey from ‘a Law in our flesh’ to the coming of JESUS ‘Law of Faith in our heart and mind.’ And why Gads’ Angel, stands beside Judah’s Gate.

In Gad we hear of JESUS Gospel and Commandments overcome. Of a ‘little horn’ that wars, blasphemes, and overcomes the Saints in the times of the nations. For as the Jews crucified Christ, so Christians have trampled JESUS Word of Salvation. But in the Lion of Gad, we see JESUS’ Angel ‘lead the heads of the people’ in the times of Luther, Wesley, Branham, and others. To deliver the multitudes of Ephraim out of religious theologies, and to restore Zion, the WORD of JESUS Salvation is us. In Gad, JESUS overcomes at the last. 

Through the Angels in the Gates of Zion’s Eastern Wall, come those from Reuben who have dwelt in the blessings and curses of the Law. And those from the Lion of Gad, who have ascended to JESUS Faith, bound in Judah. Israel means ‘God Prevails;’ therefore, the Spirit of Prophecy, bound in the Angels of Zion’s Gates, that JESUS creates in us, overcome great affliction.

In them, Israel’s Law of Faith ascends to proclaim: Hear O Israel; “The LORD thy God, is One LORD.” That is: The Existing One thy God, is one LORD* (*YHWH=LORD – The Existing One)

And so, we read in Revelation 21:7: “He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” 

I end this sharing on the Eastern Gate with a portion of JESUS Song; the audio of which is on this site. Judah gives birth. Reuben shall live. Gad overcomes.

(Portion of JESUS Song)

LORD, Lay in us the foundation stones of your Apostles, and build the walls of your Name and Praise. Open the Gates of your Salvation in us all. In JESUS Christ’s Holy name, I pray, Amen.