The Faith of Jesus

Jesus Kingdom

When asked by his disciples when the world would end, and he return, Jesus replied; heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Word would remain. In the Book of Revelation we see this heaven and earth dissolve, and New Jerusalem descend upon a new heaven, and a new earth. And so men’s teachings regards Jesus return to govern upon...

The Comforter

Just before I sing this song, we read: when JESUS saw the multitudes hungered, and without a shepherd, he had compassion on them. And blessing bread, broke it and fed them, and after his disciples gathered twelve baskets left over. (Mark 6) This song brethren is taken directly from the gospel of John 14, where Jesus told his disciples; I...

Jesus Baptism

There are three that bear witness in the earth. The water, the blood, and the Spirit, and these three agree in one. And these come together in the tenants of baptism the Apostle Peter preached at Pentecost. In the waters of repentance, the blood of remission and the Spirit of Truth. So, when our church doctrines reject part of these tenants,...

The Israel of God

THE ISRAEL OF GOD (transcript of the audio files in the download section) When the Baptist declared, God is able of these stones to raise children to Abraham, he rebuked the conceit in those Jews that looked down upon those not descended from the Patriarch’s. Paul also taught; “that when Abraham believed God’s promise, it was accounted to him for...

The Great Trumpet

The great commandment declares:  “Hear O Israel; The LORD thy God is one LORD.”    This is not our churches teachings on the gospel but the LORD God Almighty telling us, …who he is. Come hear Israel’s great commandment. The Faith of Jesus… Come read why Peter preached: Jesus, both LORD and Christ…

The Faith of Jesus

Jesus declared: “Hear O Israel; The LORD thy God is one LORD.”  It is the LORD God Almighty telling us, who he is. It is the Testimony of JESUS.   But, who then does the great commandment call to? Is it to an Israel born of God, or of men? Read more…

The Mark of The Beast

The declaration and explanation of the ‘Mark, the Name, and the Image of the Beast’ are embedded in Scripture. Yet it seems the more outrageous, and distant the ‘mark of the beast,’ teachings are from God’s Word, the greater their uptake in Christianity. Which departure from God’s Word is at the root of their delusion. When Ancient Israel did not...

The Christ

Isaiah the Prophet declared the Promised Son, the Messiah, would be called; the Everlasting Father, the Mighty God and Prince of Peace. When this child was born, they named him JESUS. (Matt 1:21) Why is it then, that most Christian’s believe Jesus is only the Son? Why too did the Apostle John, reveal the antichrist spirit had gone out from...

The Feasts of God’s Israel

The Feasts of Jesus Tribes The Hebrew Word for Feast means: an appointed time to: – Be joined or betrothed – In the Feasts the LORD joins, Covenants with His people – To move in a perpetual cycle – The Feasts repeat in every generation and in the lives of every believer  

Trumpets Backdrop

Two Silver Trumpets The LORD had Moses make two trumpets from a single piece of silver. These trumpets were blown by the sons of the High Priest. A ‘single trumpet’ blown, would gather the ‘princes’ of the tribes to Moses and Aaron. Whereas, ‘both trumpets’ sounding together, would gather the ‘congregation’ of Israel; to the door of the ‘Tabernacle of...

Trumpet #1

The 1st Trumpet – the dragon   O/T Time – The generations from Abraham to David: God’s oath foretold Abraham’s ‘seed’ would become slaves in a strange land. In the midst of these generations, the LORD called Israel out of Egypt, and gave them the ‘Covenant of the Law.‘ Israel’s sojourn in Canaan was conditional on keeping this Law, but in...

Trumpet #2

The 2nd Trumpet – the beast   O/T Times – In the generations from David to Josiah, the House of Israel, separated from the House of Judah. To prevent Israel’s tribes returning to sacrifice in Jerusalem, Jeroboam their king setup ‘golden bulls,’ in the borders of Dan and Bethel; and decreed the people worship them. In the midst of these...

Trumpet #3

The 3rd Trumpet – false christs   O/T Time: The generations from Jechonias to Christ. Israel and Judah dispersed into the nations, take with them Sinai’s statutes and the testaments of their prophets. In captivity, in a strange land, by the river Babylon; Ezekiel and Daniel sing the songs of Moses and the Lamb. And in their songs we hear...

Trumpet #4

The 4th Trumpet – the abomination   O/T Time: On the fourth day of creation, the LORD set the lights of heaven in their order to divide the day from the night, and to separate his seasons and times. At an appointed time, the LORD told Jeremiah; he would forgive Israel their sin, and write his law within their hearts....

Trumpet #5

The 5th Trumpet – a time to sow   As the 5th Trumpet speaks of sowing ‘true and false’ gospels, so the 6th Trumpet is their reaping. They divide the seasons of God’s will. In every generation, from the Apostles until now, the sowing and reaping, of both ‘good and evil seeds,’ has been in perpetual motion. Further the 5th,...