Trumpet #7

The 7th Trumpet – the first-fruits


In the 7th Chapter of Revelation, the ‘four winds that blow upon the earth,’ are held back until the ‘twelve tribes’ are sealed. By Revelation 14, these tribes are sealed in JESUS name; the Father’s name. This is the harvest of the first-fruits, purchased by the blood of the Lamb. The voice of the Angel of this 7th Trumpet, finishes JESUS purpose bound in the testimony of his prophets. The Feast of Weeks, and First-fruits.

In this same chapter, we also see those multitudes in the nations who have not rested in the faith of Jesus, or kept his commandments. But have bowed to church creeds, and taken the mark of men’s teachings. This is the 3rd woe. This harvest, is cast into the winepress, and in the seven Plagues that follow these seven Trumpets; are either cleansed in great tribulation, or pass into perdition. The Feast of Ingathering and Tabernacles.

[Rev 11:15] And the seventh angel sounded;… saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever…

Before Moses died, the Spirit of Christ in him, allotted to each tribe, a portion of their inheritance in the Law. And the ‘fiery Law in the right hand of the Existing One,’ Moses declared went forth from Sinai; the prophet Habakkuk saw as ‘ten horns’ in the hand of the Almighty. And the ‘ten horns’ Daniel was told by the Angel, are ‘ten kings;’ the apostle John, saw upon the head of the ‘dragon.’ And while these ‘ten Kings’ in Revelation are given dominion, and rule upon this earth,’ the Spirit says; ‘they have received no kingdom as yet.’

And when the prophet Jeremiah spoke of a new Covenant, whereby the LORD would write his law within our hearts, he revealed an Israel; who exist in the ordinances of God’s Word. So when Jesus said; ‘the kingdom of God is within us,’ and promised, ‘he would dwell in us,’ he spoke of finishing those things uttered by his prophets. And when the Spirit of Christ in Paul revealed at the last trump, our earthly tabernacle would be changed, and when Jesus in Peter said we are living stones, built into a spiritual house. Then it was, and is, and ever shall be, the Spirit of Prophecy in them all, bringing forth an Israel born of JESUS Testimony. 

In them comes the Covenants of JESUS Christ; New Jerusalem; Whose ‘twelve foundations’ are built upon the cornerstone of JESUS faith, in those who believe. Whose ‘four walls are living stones,’ whose length, depth, and height are equal, because the measure of Christ’s Law, Gospel and Spirit, are one in them. And whose ‘twelve gates’ are ‘twelve angels,’ whose prophecies give birth to the ‘Israel of God.’ Heard in the voice of Jacob’s wives who named twelve sons, and promised in the blessings of Jacob, who adopted Ephraim as his own, and named him ‘Israel;’ before he blessed his own sons. And from them the ‘seeds’ of God’s Oath to Abraham; a multitude of nations and a line of kings. Which ‘harvests’ in Revelation, were first divided to Adam’s son’s in Genesis. This is God’s purpose bound in his prophets… finished. And so, his earthly covenants in us become Spirit, and;

The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever…


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The Harvest of Ingathering follows: The ‘multitude of nations,’ the seed’s of ‘Ephraim’s idolatry,’ born of Jesus Testimony corrupted in the nations. Having bowed to the doctrines of the beast; that is, ‘the creeds of men.’ They are gathered into the winepress of the wrath of God, and in the seven plagues; they are either cleansed, or put to death.


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