Trumpet #5

The 5th Trumpet – a time to sow


As the 5th Trumpet speaks of sowing ‘true and false’ gospels, so the 6th Trumpet is their reaping. They divide the seasons of God’s will. In every generation, from the Apostles until now, the sowing and reaping, of both ‘good and evil seeds,’ has been in perpetual motion. Further the 5th, 6th, and 7th Trumpets, are three woes that tell of the affliction of God’s children, in captivity to dead religion.

The key that opens hell, is passed from JESUS to the king of the pit; ‘Abaddon,’ the destroying angel. The key to understanding the 5th Trumpet, is to understand this ‘angel from heaven,’ is a portion of God’s Word. Created by God; (Satan) Abaddon’s power, resides in the authority of the Law, and his deceit in its blessings. The cursing and destruction bound in this ‘angel,’ is unleashed in the 6th Trumpet.

The locusts that pour out of the bottomless pit is the antichrist in those religious armies Joel saw. Whose creeds are the ‘sting of scorpions’ in the hearts of those who believe them, and whose teeth have torn and devoured Jesus Testimony, in every generation. Whose crusades into the nations flourish in the strength of Abaddon, but as Joel foresaw; ‘the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness.’

Commanded not to hurt any green thing, the antichrist is bound for a season, from touching the ‘green shoots of faith’ in those who believe; JESUS is ‘the Salvation of the Existing One.’ This faith, is a mark upon the right hand of an Israel born of it. And JESUS, ‘the name of the Everlasting Father;‘ a seal upon the foreheads of the first-fruits of his tribes. But for those without God’s seal in their foreheads; a season of torment, and a ‘time to repent,’ allotted those who have bowed to another gospel.    

The beginning of sorrows… one woe is past and another two follow.

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